


3 years, 6 months ago


esfp taurus lawful neutral

Treasure, it's the third rice cooker this month. Please just let me take care of cooking...


Xaō, Xiao




oni hybrid

S. Korea
r. status


Xaō is a profesional model, woring for agency based in South Korea. Despite what he might appear like, Xaō is deeply insecure and suffers from major body image issues. He got into unhealthy pattern of thinking that he's not good enough, often overworking himself and falling into depressive states as a result.

On the daily basis he is a good mannered person who always tries his best for his friends. He will always find time to advice them if needed, Xaō really likes being seen as a guide or some kind of parental figure. He feels most fulfilled when he knows that people can look up to him. Another thing is that he has THE ATTITUDE, THE SASS, if anyone dares to misbehave towards him or his friends they're given the YASSS QUEEN GO BITCH ACRYLIC NAILS SOUND SLAYY GIRLBOSS GATEKEEP GASLISHT of the millenium.

Despite beig almost 600 years old being Xaō is pretty dumb, not inteligence-wise but more in case of his personality, often being goofy especially around people he likes. He's actually very charming with that making him a person wanted to be around. Getting to know him closer also reveals that Xaō LOVES cuddling, though it's a privilege reserved only for besties. ✌ ✌ ✌

Something that couldn't be guessed at first sight is Xaō's patience. He seems to never loose it and can spend days, if needed, explaining something just to be sure explained thing is being understood. Before becoming a model and settling in South Korea one of his major interests were learning new things and visiting various countries. Because of that he attempted few different schools over the years due to sole curiosity how the times has changed.


  • starbucks frappucinos
  • korean street fashion
  • meeting new people
  • buying pretty things for himself and his household
  • his family:)
  • unwanted criticism
  • unhonesty and fake people
  • his old self
  • shrine duties
  • when people try to touch his hair without asking first


  • Is 193 (6'4)
  • slim thick queen
  • small oni fangs
  • Starting from his elbow his arms are bigger than average, paw like
  • his skin and hair are very soft, hair have silverish almost moon-like shine, grows scales instead of body hair(plucks them immidetaly after they show up)
  • has diamond shaped scars on each feet left from removing his dew claws
  • his blood is lavender and sparkly reminescent of those fancy glitter vodka's, it becomess silver as it coagulate
  • smells like mangoes, patchouli and amber
  • has ability to summon things from his hoard as well as lucky coins from mid-air
  • can shapeshift into human and dragon

Xaō-Hen was a third child born from the unity of Tobiah and his wife. Young dragon had pretty peaceful upbringing, learning about the world he's from as well as main tasks and manners in in the shrine. Being guided by his two older siblings, their relation quickly flourished settling up a lifelong bond between the three of them. All of Xaō's early childhood was rather peaceful, things changed when he was just about to mature. His brother got into massive argument with their father, finally leading to him leaving the shrine for good.

Early love life

This event made Xaō think less of his father, he no longer wanted to live in an environment like this. Xaō left his family being about 200 years old wanting to try living on his own. He still was young and clueless at this time, but luckily managed to travel a good part of Japan, finally settling in a village surrounded by forest. In said village, he met a girl whom he later married. Two of them fell completely head over toes with each other and lived a rather happy life. Unfortunately, fate made that the girl fell victim to a curse that slowly turned her body into ice. She became extremely weak by day, sometimes being fatigued by the simplest tasks. Xaō being unable to do anything was suffering by her side. On her last day, she seemed fine, all of her energy came back, but with that she also got the weird urge to wander into the forest. She followed her calling and Xaō followed her, wanting to be sure she's safe. Rather miserable event cut ties to their love. Before his very eyes, Xaō witnessed former love of his life explode into hundreds of tiny ice crystals, her soul slowly sunk into the afterlife making everything around extremely cold.

Modern world

Xaō - now heartbroken, returned home where he stayed for several more years trying to heal his wounds and improve as a being. Eventually, his now exiled brother began contacting him, inviting Xaō to visit his new place and make up for all the time they lost. Xaō agreed and then lived with his sibling for a while. During this time, he fell in love with humanity even more and became curious with them. Being about 350 he began attending various schools as a hobby, which he continued gradually over the years. Somewhere during all that experiencing and traveling, he got really fond of South Korea and eventually moved there. Living his dream, he felt really fulfilled in the modeling industry. Making some great friends and eventually meeting his current fiancé.



Frank Ocean

Conan Gray

Gorillaz ft. Elton John & 6LACK

Troye Sivan
Full Playlist on Spotify
They met randomly on a street in South Korea. Xaō always says it was fate that brought them together that time. Now they live and sorts of work together. Since Ozu works as fashion designer he makes custom sized clothes to fit Xaō's quirky anatomy♥
Best Friend.
Ferdie is a professional photographer. He once worked with Xaō on some advertising campaign where they really got along. They decided to keep in touch privately and short after became besties.
They have good relationship with eachother. ??? is second eldest sibling so she guided Xaō in his shrine duties, she also introduced him to human social life. ??? was the first person to comfort Xiao after their brother got exiled.They grew colser together since.
Current relationship with his father is rather tough. When Xaō was a kid he viewed his dad as a personal hero. Later when he got to see the more savage side of his personality they only grew more appart. Xaō doesn't agree with some of his father decisions that in past lead to some minor arguments between them.
After father exiled him from his home he began living with people in unknown third world country. Brothers still keep in touch with eachother and are on a good terms. Xaō sometimes visits him.