


3 years, 5 months ago



Ezekiel Larsen
"Would you like a gift for the holidays?"


Name Eggnog
Age 16
Gender Male
Nationality Norwegian
Birthday Sept 5th


  • Festive year round
  • Loves to drink eggnog
  • Enjoys giving people gifts or helping others
  • Penguin companion named 'Cinnamon'


Ezekiel, or more often going by 'Eggnog', is a very cheery boy who loves Christmas and the holiday season, and values family and friends. He likes giving gifts and being festive year-round, no matter what people tell him, and his grandparents humor him so that he's happy.

Eggnog lost his parents and his dog at a young age in a house fire in mid-December, him only surviving because he was at his friend's home. His memories of his parents are blurry, but the feeling of Christmas, the lights, wooden toys, and especially eggnog reminds him of his parents. Him being a little rowdy as a child, his parents would affectionately call him a 'little Eggnog', which coined the nickname, and so he likes being called 'Eggnog' especially by those close to him. He currently lives with his grandparents.

The penguin toy was a gift bought by his parents for Christmas, to be delivered to their house by a toymaker friend of theirs, so after Eggnog received it, he treasured it so much that by some sort of magic it became alive. Accompanying him wherever he goes, he named the penguin 'Cinnamon', partially because his old labrador was named 'Nutmeg'. It's able to talk and move about, but a little stubborn.