
3 years, 6 months ago


Name: Vandal

Nickname: Stitch

Species: Voskat

Age: 16 (in human)

Sexuality: heterosexual

Gender: male

Friends: Minty (owned by @/tidal_sea_arts)

Mate: none

Crush: none

Family: names unknown

Personality: annoying little shit, tries to act very mature but mostly he is funny, sometimes dumbass, deep inside he is a very good guy, slightly rebellious, stubborn, outgoing, extroverted af and kind

Extras: 1. He wants to be William's helper but because of her trust issue, she always kicks him away.

             2. He doesn't actually know what happened to his body, mother never told him and he thinks he was born with it

               3. He always wanted a big ass cool scar over his eye, but never had luck with it

Likes: sleeping on the sun covered stone, doing nothing, his family and William, forest, games, summer, and spring

Dislikes: too much work, fields (he always feels very weird on them), hunting, winter, and rain

Some past info: His childhood was pretty normal, there's nothing to talk about