


3 years, 4 months ago



Name: Ilse

Age: 32


Sex/Gender: Male

Race/Ethnicity: Argentinian descendant

Hair Color: Light blonde

Eye Color: Gold (White after becoming blind)

Orientation: Straight

Height: 180cm

Birthday: February 28

Zodiac: Pisces

Blood Type: AB

Occupation: King

Context: Sand Kingdom (Argentina/Chile border in the year 4000a.c.)


He is the king of the Sand kingdom, his father died when he was eighteen and that's when he became king. He was thrown into directing the war out of nowhere and decided that if he came no die there would be no heir, so he asked his best scientist and the woman he had a crush on to please bear his child. He was aware that his request was selfish and he felt guilty when she accepted, but he promised he would do anything for her from now on. He isn't close to Ocre but takes care of him in the distance, he makes sure he has everything he needs to have a good life. He often cautious but when pushed to a situation of pressure he snaps and can make rash decisions. He doesn't know why the war started but he thinks surrendering isn't an option because his father told him to not surrender to the "Sea bastards". He was educated to be an efficient leader but not even his father knew the reason of the war, it's apparently been fought for 1000 years but at small intervals, the economy kinda depends on it at this point.

His outfits are usually pristine white and he has a golden cape, everything has embroidery and he has a golden leaf crown. He is extremely pale and thin, he looks almost like a ghost or fairy. When he gets lost in the desert his skin tans a little but he also goes red until he starts using his cape as a cover, he has a beard now and his eyes are white and he wears bandages to protect his feet from the sand but to still be able to feel, he also has a stick as cane now.

He is very interested in how can the science help with the belic matters and is very calm and collected about the resources and war management, but when a spy he had in the Sea kingdom told him that they planned to use a sea monster to attack them he panicked and ordered Amber to summon an eldritch deity, he knew it was possible and that it was like a gamble but he didn't care. When Amber was fused with the moth deity he became blind and regretted everything, but it was too late. A few weeks later he noticed that everyone was becoming blind slowly and he felt that when everyone would be completely blind, they would die at the same time so he sent his son and only person that hadn't been affected by the illness to the Sea kingdom with a surrender plea and to please take care of his defenseless child because his kingdom was going to be destroyed anyways. A month later he received the notification that the vehicle had been lost, he felt helpless and waited until everyone became blind and died, hoping to die with them too. When he didn't die, he suspected that it had to do something with Ocre, so he went to search for him, he couldn't break his promise of taking care of him, he felt like he was dissapointing Amber, he also had dreams about her reprimanding him constantly during this time. 

Because he was blind, he had to take a magnetic gps and go into the desert guided by the direction of the machine, he tried going in a vehicle but the batteries had died and the other mediums of energy were on nothing because everuone was dead. He walked in the desert for a month until he finally found the carcass of the vehicle Ocre had been in. Now he took the approach to go to where the noises took him, eventually he touched a cold wall made of moths, and he screamed when they all flew away and then his son yelled at him. Ilse started to cry and apologize, but then he noticed that Ocre had lost all of his memories and didn't know who he was or anything that had happened. He still felt incredibly guilty, but decided to keep the truth a secret until they arrived to the Sea kingdom for fear that Ocre would hate him for basically forcing his mother to errase herself from existence. They bonded in the way and Ocre was his eyes, he felt warm with him and told stories about his life and stories he had read about in the books he had read when he was still a young boy. He then started to make up stories to tell to Ocre for when they were traveling.

When they arrived to the Sea kingdom, he kneeled in front of Intirrah for mercy on his son, as he had nowhere to go and that he had won the war because his own kingdom was destroyed by his own foolishness. He the started to feel weaker and had to be taked to the hospital, Intirrah had accepted his request as a sign of respect so he felt like he had lived up to his promise to Amber. Ocre visited him and he told him all of the truth, that he was his father and that he was the king of the kingdom that is no more, he apologized until he finally died peacefully while Ocre hugged him trying to process everything.




Fiction books


Warm places




Feeling guilty






Listening to music performed in the castle


Writing stories


When he touched the wall of moths he felt so icked he washed his hand in cactus water.

Ocre teased him when he noticed that he liked his mom, but he jusr laughed it off.

He is sad he can't see Ocre's face again.

He likes holding Ocre's hand during their desert travel because he feels more confident over where he is stepping on

One time he stepped on a lizard and he squeaked.