Marquis "Lime" Dumonte



3 years, 6 months ago


Marquis "Lime" Dumonte
Lime Crewmate


Adaptable • Diligent • Callous • Overcrtitical

Lime is your average crew mate aboard the ship, keeping to himself and doing his tasks. He generally tends to pair up with Lemon to do tasks together, and sometimes gossip about the other crew mates in their free time. It's overall a very interesting job to do, and the rate everything is going, they'll finish the mission on time! Right?

Easier said than done, apparently - especially when someone on the ship keeps sabotaging everyone. And now they have to figure out who done it, while also making sure that their tasks are complete in the meantime. At least it gives Lime an excuse to stay paired up with Lemon... Though he tends to over-analyze how the rest of the ship fares in terms of getting tasks done. But hey, better safe than sorry. You never know when somebody's gonna get you in electrical.


  • Cherries
  • Music Boxes
  • Skirts and loose dresses
  • Rabbits


  • Bananas
  • Strobing lights
  • The smell of Honeysuckle
  • His dad
"Don't hurt Lemon, and you're fine."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget. Pellentesque commodo, dolor nec tempor maximus, risus risus lobortis eros, vitae mollis felis odio vel nulla.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Pellentesque commodo, dolor nec tempor maximus, risus risus lobortis eros, vitae mollis felis odio vel nulla. Etiam sed libero laoreet ipsum lacinia sagittis eu non lectus.


• Choppy, medium length bright red hair

• Tired yellow eyes

• 5'10

• Typically wears loose, easy clothing

• Keeps goggles on him at all times

• Has freckles that become more pronounced in sunlight


• Middle child of three siblings

• The only one in his family (apart from his mother) with bright red hair

• Keeps a locket from his mother at all times

• Took a few years living and working as a farmhand; surprises most people with his strength

• Pretty skilled with a guitar

• Wow! That's a lot of familial baggage under that suit




Lemon his beloved.

Lemon is Lime's most trusted person on the ship, and the first friend he made on the mission. They do almost everything together, and he sticks up for her while she does the same for him. If anyone were to lay a finger on her, Lime would do whatever possible to get them ejected from the ship, even if it means sabotaging himself. You do not want to know how far he'll go to make sure she gets back to her family safely.

As of late, he and Lemon have gotten more comfortable being open about their feelings towards each other - as well as their feelings towards another crewmate. Lime, at least, teasingly dotes on Lemon whenever possible.



Enemies to lovers speedrun.

Zaffre is the one crew mate that Lime just cannot trust no matter what it is they're doing; something about them is just.. Off to him. Because of this, the two of them haven't really seen eye-to-eye on anything, and almost always throw suspicion when something goes awry. However, they do have their moments from time to time which may or may not involve drinking, and maybe even get to finishing their tasks with little problem. He still doesn't trust them all too much, though.

.. At least, that's how he used to be around them. Eventually being around the blue crewmate led the two to actually start liking each other's company, and since Lemon enjoyed being around them just as much, the three ended up together in a polycule. Zaffre might still teasingly insult Lime, but now he at least opens up more around them.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.

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