Fereks (Species)'s Comments

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Yay! ^.^ Thanks so much for pinging me! I have compleated 2 things listed so far, waiting on answer regarding where to share the journal and have requested to join the group. :)

Just posted the bulletin sharing the journals link! ^.^

Is there a location for a base I can study prior to making mine(once you send along proof of ownership and additional regarding the rarity level)? I want to make sure I have proper understanding of their body type and anatomy prior to drawing mine up.


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Awesome, I can work with that. :) 

Shorelines included riversides and lakes too correct? 

I really like the Puffets subspecies so I'm most likely to go with that. :) Thanks very much. :) 

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I did all! (Posted a question abt it On DA)

Hiya! Is there a trait list? ^^

omg! i love these cuties! can you lmk whenever theres a myo event? <3

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Please let me know when the nect myo is also! They are super cute 8D

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Could you tell me when the Myo event it? (remind me lol)

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ack, tysm!

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Amazing design and the info on them is clear and very interesting! <3

Would you please ping me when you have more of these lovelies?

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Awesome! Thanks!<3