.: Crash :.



3 years, 6 months ago


Name: Crash (But you can call me Crashanova *smooth wink*)

species: koi Zorse Appaloosa

Gender: Stallion

Voice: Brandon Urie (https://youtu.be/cbtiVrrgmJw and https://youtu.be/jp-CVYGEsjg

Age: 23

Mate: He's a single, pringle, ready to mingle *wink* he however has a major soft spot(maybe even crush) on Hera.

Mother: WIP

Father: WIP

Herd: none so far, he's been a wanderer for a long time.

About: Crash is a huge hot head, and mega flirt. He will push boundries and tempt fate if it means he gets to flirt with a lovely lady. He can come off as obnoxious and boisterous, but he does have a good heart. He is always goosenecking and looking for a cute Mare to woo. However when it comes down to it, if he sees abuse, or mistreatment of others he will be one of the first to step forward with a stern hoof and a loud huff. He may be a flirt and a womanizer, but he won't stand for mistreatment of others and abuse.

Likes: Beautiful mares of course! He'll even flirt with the older mares as he knows he can get them to smile sweetly. He isn't looking to settle down, but damn if he doesn't like making mares blush for fun! Flowers just as lovely as the mares he stares at, he will go out of his way to find floweres for those he's flirting with, just to see their reaction and hear them giggle.

Dislikes: He dispises abuse above everything else, no exceptions. He's seen enough rogue stallions mistreat their mares or mares of another herd. He's been known to run off stallions away from the skirts of a herds grazing areas. While this can get him also attacked by a herd leader, he knows the risks. He also dislikes sour things like unripe berries, apples, or grass that is too old. He does enjoy the finer things in life such as sweet spring grass, wild strawberries, and other sweet things.

Fears: Crash is legitimately afraid of settling down, so his open flirting is a way to not get overly attached, and be able to leave before someone can leave him. Though he would never admit that openly. Though his current approach to things makes it so he will probably never be head of a herd or group of mares of his own, and he knows this.