Krahie Weit



3 years, 4 months ago


  • Krahie Weit

  • Age 26
  • Gender Female
  • Species Very normal human
  • Occupation Hallway curator
  • theme

Quirky • Eerie • Excitable


Hailing from a lineage of masked curators, Krahie (stylized as KRHI) is the fun-loving entity living inside the Endless Hallway, a non-euclidean space that seems to stretch on for eternity. She welcomes all sorts of visitors to the Hallway, and would happily offer you a cup of coffee.

Guiding others through the Endless Hallway is her role, and she has a wealth of strange knowledge to back it up. Ask her as much as you'd like, but don't underestimate her! Not only does she have two trusty machetes to deal with ne'er-do-wells, but she also has the phantasms of the Endless Hallway on her side as well. Don't touch her mask, either; "I've got nothing to hide," she says. You believe her, right...?

"Welcome to the Endless Hallway! No, you're not dead, silly. =)"

Height 5' 9" - 5' 11"

Vitality ★ ★

Origin AUU-16

Strength ★ ★ ★

Alignment Chaotic neutral

Dexterity ★ ★ ★

Kills 8

Intelligence ★ ★ ★

EXP Points Level 126

Wisdom ★ ★ ★ ★

Threat level Defensive

Charisma ★ ★ ★ ★

Best quality Her wiggles



  • Robots
  • Aliens
  • Buggies
  • Masks
  • Coffee


  • Miscommunication
  • Censorship
  • Short jokes
  • Self-depreciation
  • Alcohol

A brief history

Krahie is an extradimensional creature often found crying between the fabric of observable worlds. She absolutely loves sweets, and can often be seen around convenience stores that sell chalky candy and vanilla milkshakes. As a night owl, you can most often find her between the hours of midnight and 4am.

She resides in a location known as the Endless Hallway, but is actively partaking in the "100 Year Earth Challenge", where she attempts to live on planet Earth in human society for a hundred years. She still occasionally visits the Endless Hallway, but most of her time is spent on Earth for the challenge.

In most cases, Krahie is very friendly and welcoming to anybody who meets her. However, she has no tolerance for dishonesty, disrespect, or vandalism within the Hallway, and has no qualms taking violent measures against any offenders.

Unique abilities

As the designated curator of the Endless Hallway, Krahie has a few special abilities related to her position.

-She is able to prevent specific people from entering the Hallway. If somebody exits known reality, a doorway leading to the Endless Hallway will appear near that person. However, if Krahie does not want them to enter the Hallway, no doorway will appear.

-She is able to selectively remove others' memories of their experiences in the Endless Hallway, but only if both Krahie and her target are present in the Hallway when she attempts to do so.

-From inside the Endless Hallway, she is able to create doorways to any location in the multiverse, as long as the location she is trying to create a doorway to is not being actively observed by a conscious entity. If she is not in the Endless Hallway, she cannot summon a doorway to return to the Hallway if something is observing her. She often uses this caveat to detect if anybody is watching her in unfamiliar situations.

-She seems to have some limited omniscience over the Hallway.

Krahie is also afflicted by a curse she refers to as "WrongDeath". If she is killed, the person most responsible for her death will inherit the curse. WrongDeath causes a towering, shadow-like amalgamation that wears her face to haunt her murderer incessantly, until it eventually catches and kills them. Krahie affectionately refers to this creature as "Long Krahie".

Endless Hallway: Movement

The Endless Hallway is a foggy corridor that has infinite different "zones". Each zone is separated by 50 metres, and by moving forward or backwards in various combinations of 50 metre increments, one can find themselves in different zones that don't seem to line up with the laws of physics.

↑ = 50 metres forward
↓ = 50 metres backward

Each zone has one or more movement combinations that allow you to access it. For example, Krahie lives in the most frequently accessed zone, which she refers to as the "default" zone. Moving ↑ and then ↓ from the default zone would not return you to the default zone, because "↑↓" is the movement combination to access an entirely different zone elsewhere in the eternal corridor.

Another example is "↑↑". Moving 100m forward from the default zone will return you to back to the default zone, because the default zone's movement combination is "↑↑".

There is an astronomically high number of different zones in the Hallway, the vast majority of which have not been explored. Krahie encourages exploring the Hallway, but warns of warped reality and inexplicable events occurring in zones with long movement combinations.

If you become lost and unable to find the default zone, either summon an exit, or wait for Krahie to come pick you up.

"Lost? Just wait for Weit!"

Endless Hallway: Summoning

Assuming you are the only person present in a zone when you enter it, it is possible to summon anything in that zone in place of what would normally be there. Almost anything can be summoned, from a mouse, to a dimensional portal, to a copy of another person. Notably, it can also be used to create an exit to escape the Hallway.

As Krahie describes the process, "picture it in your mind. Now go forth and see what happens. It's extremely difficult, but possible, I swear! However, be wary of errant thoughts, for it is far easier to summon something you're subconsciously dwelling on rather than something you actually want..."

Krahie is otherwise very secretive about the specifics of entity summoning in the Hallway, usually only sharing details in emergency situations.

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