


3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info





Village of Heritage

Hazelnut Village

Social Status

(There’s no class in his village, since it’s more like a tribe or pack)

Weapon of Choice

Dagger (but mainly prefers to use his fists and legs)




Arrow of Hazelnut Village

Age 13
Gender Male
Height 5'2"
Species Owl
Origin Hazelnut Village
Class Warrior
Weapon Dagger and Talons
Armor Cloth

Arrow grew up in Hazelnut Village, a forest town located a little further off Vardonian territory. That being said, many owls here are of the warrior rank, so they’re often recruited to fight for Vardona due to the ongoing war. Growing up in this environment, Arrow too, wanted to fight, but not for Vardona. Hazelnut has its own group of troops to help defend it, and they are the most elite in the village. He was far too young to start training, so he had to sit on the sidelines, and the shadow of his older brother, Quill.

Quill is seven years older than Arrow, and was a promising fighter it seemed from the moment he could walk. The whole village seemingly had their eyes on Quill, but despite Arrow wanting to do the exact same thing, he was too little to be even slightly taken seriously. That is until a bear and young girl strolled into town, Ursa and Jiri. Jiri was only one year older than him, but the two were as close as you could get.

Finally Arrow found someone to talk to, and be with, however Jiri and Ursa sadly had to leave a few days later. Ursa promised they’d come back someday, and Arrow couldn’t wait. Once they left, Arrow wanted to get strong to show Jiri whenever she came back, but it was hard with Quill around. While Quill was the main focus, Arrow was stuck inside helping his mother, who didn’t really want Arrow to leave her side, bake goods for them to sell.

The young owl was not the biggest fan of baking, however his mother was quite interesting to talk to as he got older, he picked up on her herb trivia, and she’d even quiz him sometimes. While he didn’t mind this, it wasn’t what he wanted to do. Arrow wanted to be a warrior, a better warrior than his brother. Now that Arrow was a little smarter, and sneakier, he’d slip away at night to practice, and this went on for years, but not without conflict.

One time, Quill took notice of Arrow’s frequent nightly absences, so he followed him. Now seeing the Arrow was up practicing fighting moves, Quill revealed himself, and offered to help his little brother, and that was the wrong move. Arrow was furious with Quill, and barked at him for following him. Despite Quill’s good intentions, Arrow angrily flew off into the woods, and the worried Quill almost followed after him, but he stayed behind.

In the woods, Arrow flew over a seemingly glowing pool of water, catching his eye, he flew down to sit near it. He had never seen it before, but it was far enough away from home where he felt safe. Arrow stayed there for the rest of the night, and didn’t return home until sunrise.

Tensions between him and his brother remained rather high after that night. No matter how many times Quill tried to approach his little brother, he was met with the cold shoulder, but much to Arrow’s dismay, Quill never stopped trying to talk to him. This would go on for years later.

Arrow frequented home less and less, Jiri came back to town to study with a potion maker, so oftentimes the young owl would just stay with her. Jiri was staying in his home, but Arrow usually preferred to sleep in a nearby tree, rather than his room. This left some time for Quill to get to know Jiri, and thanked her for taking care of his little brother.

Jiri studied in Hazelnut for about two years, and Arrow was by her side most of the way. Really, he didn’t want her to leave him again, after all, he really only ever felt seen by her. His parents were fine but they didn’t know him like she did, then there was Quill. Quill never stopped being center stage, over time that just got worse and worse, so Arrow offered to go back to the caves with Jiri.

The young witch asked Arrow if that’s what he really wanted, after all she really loved Hazelnut, she knew there was some tension between him and his brother but even she didn’t know the ins and outs of it. But Arrow seemed settled on coming back with her, so he left Hazelnut to go back to Stargazer’s Peak with Jiri.

With that, the two best friends went on their own small adventures and stayed together for years. Jiri was like the sibling Arrow needed, they both were learning more about themselves together, and there was nobody Arrow had to constantly compare himself to. There were the occasional trips to Hazelnut, but during this time, Quill was training in the Griffin Kingdom, Heilgern, so Arrow luckily didn’t have to see him.

Now Arrow was thirteen, and happily living with Jiri and Ursa in the caves of Stargazer’s Peak. However things are going to change for him drastically one very stormy night. When he and Jiri find a strange boy and a unicorn passed out in the mud of the Vardonian Forest.


Arrow is a rather uncaring owl, you’d be lucky to get his approval. Only select people have and one of those people is his best friend, Jiri the witch. But even to her, he rarely shows affection. He’s quite witty with the people around him, and isn’t ashamed to be blunt about his opinions. He’s a strategic owl. He’s mainly determined to get what he wants out of things, but later he grows more accustomed to doing things for others rather than himself.



- Owls are capable of flying via the feathers on their arms

Close Combat

- Arrow has quite a bit of warrior knowledge

- Uses kick moves often, his sharp talons can do a lot of damage

- He also has a small dagger that he uses in more desperate scenarios

Basic herb knowledge

- His mother Toffie is a baker, and so he picked up some herb knowledge from her

- Arrow knows how to: treat a basic fever, disinfect a cut, cover and stop a little bleeding



Best Friends

Good Friends

No Opinion

Other Relations

