♢ Eden ♢



3 years, 5 months ago


Name: Eden

Gender: Male (He/Him)


Backstory: [N/A]

Voice Canon: [N/A]

Personality: Eden is a very chill guy, generally friendly although not too social, often enough preferring to keep things relaxed instead of becoming too over-ecstatic outside of his performances. 

Fighting Style: [N/A]

Additional Info: 

• Eden is completely blind. This isn't for any special reason, he was just born that way.
• Eden's headset mostly serves the purpose of protecting his eyes, but he also likes wearing it just to look cool. His headset doesn't allow him to see.
• He has a huge passion for music, working as a DJ and producing his own music. He mostly focuses on electronic music but he's also able to play instruments such as the electric guitar and the piano.
• Eden likes to snack a lot, he will eat anything. Don't leave food laying around because he'll eat it for sure.
• He's able to take off his headset, though he rarely does in public so only people who are very close to him know what his eyes look like underneath.
• He naps a lot due to often being awake at night during performances.
• Eden can be pretty slow when understanding things sometimes.