


3 years, 6 months ago



Appearance adopted from God_1craft1

  • Name Lisa
  • Age Unknown
  • Height 2 feet
  • Occupation Librarian
  • Sexuality Asexual Demiromantic
  • Personality

    She mostly acts very bold and outroverted around her close friends/companions. However, at the library she works at (see her backstory) she has to act proffessional and neutral around customers. This also applies to any of her co-workers that she isn't close with.

    If you were to ask Lisa's co-workers what they thought of her, you would probably get a very unspecific answer. She might be described as reading in solitude by herself during unbusy days, or being quick to jump in and help customers on others. The only one she works with that Lisa is close with is her best friend, Rain. (See Rain's toyhouse for additional information.)
  • Appearance

    Lisa is a pink and white cat with glowing green eyes. She wears a light green scarf that keeps her warm during cold situations, and a short hot pink dress. Focusing on her head area, Lisa wears a strawberry clip in her hair, and round glasses. Well, the glasses don't really do anything for her, she just wears them because they make her look smarter. Though she can walk, Lisa prefers to float around because of her small height so that no one steps on her by accident.

  • Likes Sweet Strawberries, books, friends, solitude when reading
  • Dislikes Jerks, being annoyed, difficult customers
  • Backstory

    Lisa works at an interstellar library that resides in space in a crossroad between multiple dimensions. This specific library operates to serve customers coming from space or other dimensions who are technologically advanced enough. Though the building is huge, its almost the only thing for miles, and Lisa has memorized everything within it through her many decades of experience. This situation results in some boring outcomes for the workers.

    Lisa, however, has used her extensive knowledge to find out how to travel to one random dimension. So, she used this to find a city known as "Autumn Creek." Whenever she has a break from work for the day, Lisa travels to Autumn Creek to explore the world and find out more customs seemingly foreign to her. This is how she met her current friends, such as my others characters (Pumpkin in particular). But her best friend will always remain Rain.

  • About Rain Best friend

    Seeming as Rain doesn't have a toyhouse profile yet, I'll provide some brief information. He's another small gray cat who is recognized by his baby blue sweater with raindrops. He has a very soft personality, making him an unlikely match for Lisa, but it works somehow.

  • About Family Parents

    Lisa ignores the question whenever she is asked about her parents, most likely hinting that something has happened to them in the past. Since her age is unknown by most and she's worked in the library for decades without aging, we can safely assume she's probably fine without them.

  • About powers Abilities

    Lisa gets most of her power from knowledge. However, this doesn't explain how she can float around and use telekinesis seemingly at will. This kind of power is stored in her strawberry clip, so that it doesn't attract attention to be stolen. How she recieved these powers? Maybe we'll never know.

  • Does Lisa wear anything else?

    Probably not. Maybe she owns other clothing that she wears in private. But she's only ever been seen wearing her signature dress and scarf, so lets just hope she washes them.

  • What does Lisa do in Autumn Creek exactly?

    Walks around the city, tries new foods, explores new places. Though Autumn Creek sounds like a small town at most, theres a part of it thats a large downtown city with crowds that dont stun Lisa in the slightest. She also hangs out with her friend Pumpkin at random times. This can sometimes be inconvenient for Pumpkin, as Lisa might just show up at her high school one day while she's in the middle of class.

  • Why does Lisa like her scarf so much?

    She once told Rain that she was given the scarf from her father. This would be the closest anyone has gotten to finding out more information on her childhood/parents. If something bad has happened to them, it would explain why she treasures her only object of memory.

  • Has she ever been in a relationship?

    Lisa has never been in a sexual nor romantic relationship with anyone. She most likely wants to keep it that way, though she can be in a romantic relationship if she somehow develops feelings for them.

  • Trivia
    • ● Lisa was slightly inspired by Lisa and Paimon from the game Genshin Impact.
    • ● She has limited knowledge of almost anything outside of the library, which she knows like the back of her paw. This is why she constantly interupts Pumpkin during crucial moments because she doesn't understand why she can't.
    • ● Her diet mostly consists of fruits and vegetables, and rarely meat if she needs it for nutritional purposes.
    • ● Lisa has probably worked at the library longer than almost every current employee.
    • ● Her favorite book series at the library is a piece called "Daybreak at Treasure Cove", which tells a tale of a group of adventurers that explore a vast set of islands full of puzzles and treasure. She secretly longs to be like them someday.
    • ● Lisa is skilled in a few languages, such as English, Latin, Russian, and Japanese.

profile html by Hukiolukio