

  • Nicknames: Shredder Girl, Hoodie
  • Species: Demon
  • Gender: Female
  • Pronouns: She/her
  • Age: 18
  • Birthday: May 19th
  • Height: 5'5"
  • Relationship Status: Single
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Power type: Darkness

Personality: Quiet; Observant; Mostly unemotional, but can possibly become unhinged without warning; Obsessively protective of her mother

About: M is a demon born with many a disadvantage, the one putting the nail in the coffin for her old life being that she was born with a mutation that prevented her from growing horns. Her biological family looked at her with disgust at how much she resembled a human to them, and abandoned her outside with nothing but the clothes on her back and the little blanket they wrapped her up in. But luckily, not even a full 24 hours later, a human woman came across her, and immediately saved her and adopted her as her own. M has grown up with a wonderful mother that loves her for who she is, a love for humanity, and disgust towards demons due to her abandonment and the lingering flashes of memories she has of her biological family from so long ago. To this day she does her own thing, and lives her life with her mother as she takes in everything she can of the world around her, and tries to seek out the answers to all her questions about the world.

Extra info:

  • She's the kind of person that genuinely enjoys just sitting by the window and looking outside for hours on end, if not wandering aimlessly to look around at everything around her. Taking walks around her neighborhood is one of her favorite things to do to pass the time on days with nice weather
  • She likes to ask herself all sorts of questions about the world around her, and explore to find the answers. Things like "why do people feel certain emotions during certain events?" are an example of the usual questions she'll ask herself, and observe people to try and find an answer that she feels is sufficient
  • M is neurodivergent; she has autism that hinders her verbal communication and social understanding majorly, but she's still able to understand and communicate enough to get by on her own
  • She almost never talks. It's not that she can't, she just prefers not to. She only ever speaks if she absolutely has to, or it just comes out randomly before she can stop it. If she's asked something she can't answer without words, she'll speak if she wants to answer it, but otherwise, she just stays silent and looks at you
  • The most you'll ever see her talk is through text, and she can be quite articulate at times with it
  • She has sensory issues with clothing, and as a result, she prefers to wear loose/light things as often as possible. She can handle always being bundled up when outside during the colder times of the year, but once she's inside, she changes back into a tank top and shorts. She also prefers to wear flip flops as often as possible for shoes, since she doesn't like how other shoes feel if worn for long periods of time
  • She can handle her own just fine, so her mother trusts her enough to let her go out and walk on her own during the day. She has a cellphone that she takes outside specifically for emergencies and to text her mother for whatever reason, alongside a tactical expandable baton for self-defense.
  • She's not easy to overwhelm, but if she's having a bad day and a meltdown, she does sometimes become violent. During a family gathering, she punched a large hole in the wall when a family member purposefully riled her up to get on her nerves. Safe to say that family member isn't invited over anymore
  • She is obsessively protective of her mother, and will become violent if she feels that her mother is in danger
  • She has a worn burlap sack she uses as a hood to hide her face when particularly unstable, and keeps it in place by an old rope she loosely ties around her neck. You'll always know when she's looking at you, as the only details of her face that are visible are her eyes, which are visible as two glowing green orbs
  • She's gone on killing sprees in the past, and every time she does so, she always wears her hood on to hide her face
  • She feels disgusted towards demons in general, but she won't judge all of them the same as she judges her biological family for abandoning her. Sometimes she'll even possibly be drawn to them if they're neurodivergent like her

Character rules:

  • NSFW is possibly permitted, but I'd like to be asked for permission beforehand, due to her specific situation of being neurodivergent. If I allow whatever you want to do for her, I'd also like to credited for creating the character and shown whatever is done every time NSFW content is made
  • Shipping with the character is absolutely fine, as long as it isn't anything gross (like with an underage character, obviously) or going against the character's established info (like shipping a gay character with the opposite gender)
  • Using the character for violence and gore is permitted, but I'd like to be shown whatever is created with them. I don't mind gore and can handle it
  • This character is NOT to be used for any hate speech, or political propaganda
  • Commercial use of the character in ANY way is FORBIDDEN. This definitely includes linking to the media with ad links and putting it behind any sort of paywall or something similar (i.e Patreon)
  • If you are unsure about anything mentioned in these rules or otherwise, PLEASE ask me, and I'll be happy to answer