Evellina Hokumi



3 years, 5 months ago



Evellina Hokumi

Evellina Hokumi
28 (Human years)
To give food to people

Evellina can create any food in existence, but she likes to leave the candy and breakfast foods to her children, Cayori and Lilikoi. Her Cloud is a cozy cottage in a forest made out of food. Everything is edible.

Her design is mainly inspired by burgers and bread and jam.


Evellina is very motherly and mature, but she knows how to joke around. Her favourite kinds of jokes are the terrible kind: Puns. She's very hardworking, and loves to give food to those in need. She's warm and comforting; she can calm anyone down if they're having a hard time with her hugs and singing. She's always checking in on people and making sure they're prepared for anything. She's very much a mom friend. She's very neat and tidy and can't help but sort things into groups. She's responsible, strong-willed, and sweet, and tries her best to change other people to have a kind mindset like her. She'll basically adopt anyone if they asked her.









"Oh, hello, dear! Would you like some freshly baked apple pie? You're welcome to come in!"

  • Cooking
  • Thanksgiving
  • Taking care of people
  • Puns
  • Patterns and groups
  • Disorder
  • Spiders
  • Mazes
  • Extremely cold weather
  • Making simple mistakes


Evellina is 5'6", minus her horns, of course. She has dark brown hair that's braided and pulled into a low ponytail in the back. She likes to put vegetable and fruit pins in her hair. Her horns, wings, and tail all look like bread and jam.

Usually, she is seen wearing clothing that resemble food items, like the burger-looking dress she wears most often. She also likes to wear her beige sweater and leggings when she doesn't want to be too dressed up. Her usual colour palette includes lots of brown tones, only including colours when the clothing article represents some kind of food.


Izotz Kolariah Izotz is Evellina's husband. They have very opposite personalities, but that's what brings them together. She's the only one who's seen him vulnerable, but she's the best at comforting.


Cayori Hokumi Cayori loves to help her mom cook, which Evellina appreciates (even if she can easily make it by herself). She's protective and caring of her daughter of course, but she likes to let her do whatever she wants (unless it's bad--). She likes to make bad puns with her.


Lilikoi Hokumi Similar to Cayori, Evellina likes to let Lilikoi do whatever he wants. Lilikoi is a bit more like his dad, being quieter, so Evellina constantly tells him that he can come to her if he's feeling bad in any way. 


Evellina was very cheerful and giving, even when she was a young child. Her favourite thing to do was help the other Dracosapians, and when she gained her powers, that helpfulness became more frequent. She would make little meals for her friends, or even just for random people she met on her little adventures. She was very good at listening and learning, so she was able to gain her powers at a very young age. She was also quite charming because of how sweet she was, and was able to make many friends.

One of these people that she befriended was Izotz, one of the quietest Dracosapians when she was a teenager. She was able to kind of get him out of his comfort zone, and made him feel less lonely in general. She would drag him around to do fun things that she thought he'd like, like ice-skating and creating snowmen when it was snowy. This continued up until adulthood, where simply watching movies together could be good enough. Izotz (surprisingly, to even himself-) ended up falling in love along the way. He tried to isolate himself as he thought she would never feel the same, but she basically pulled him out of his corner into a hug and demanded he tell her what was on his mind. Since they'd known each other for many years, he felt like he had to give in and told her. Luckily, she felt the same. 

Going back in time a bit, when she was eighteen, she was forced to leave on a quest that Eclipse told her to do. It was a tiring journey where she wasn't allowed to use her wings unless necessary, and she had to travel across many biomes that she wasn't fit to be in (super hot and super cold biomes). All of this, just for a simple crown to add to Eclipse's pile of treasure, and just the slightest bit of respect from the universe goddess. It was all just a test for power.

When she came back from her journey, Izotz had been very worried--though he didn't show it until she walked through the door. She was greeted by a hug and then Izotz basically took care of her, instead of her taking care of him. She didn't want to be the one being helped but she couldn't do much due to her exhaustion. After she recovered, they basically went back to doing what they usually did: Evellina baking and cooking for fun even if she can just summon food, Izotz taking her to beautiful, snowy places, and other cute, wholesome relationship things.

After a few more years, Evellina--being a very mom-like person--asked if Izotz would ever want to have kids. He said he did, although he was very unsure on how to take care of a child. Evellina gave him advice, of course, even if she hadn't had a child before. They ended up having two kids: Cayori and Lilikoi. Izotz turned out to be a great dad for how uncertain he was, and Evellina could never be happier with her new family. She just didn't look forward to the day she had to watch her kids be forced to fight in wars or go on difficult quests.


  • ● Evellina's favourite things to cook have very complicated recipes.
  • ● She constantly smells like baked bread.
  • ● If you ever wanted her to stop doing chores or overworking herself, just give her something to organize. She'll be at it for as long as it would take to separate the items...so it could be many hours.
  • ● She loves to make aesthetically pleasing picnic baskets and go on picnics with her family and whoever they wish to bring along.
  • ● Sometimes she talks to the vegetables or fruits that she's growing in her gardens. In a very motherly way, of course.
  • ● She would totally be a culinary teacher if she worked at a school.
  • ● She, of course, really enjoys watching cooking shows...even ones with Gordon Ramsey. Yes, she doesn't mind swearing.

profile html by Hukiolukio