UrikohimeAmanojaku (alter ego)



3 years, 6 months ago


Name: Urikohime-Amanojaku
AKA: Urikohime, Melon Princess, Melon, Amanojaku, Amanjaku
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Class: Alter ego
Affinity: Earth
Alignment: Neutral Good ( Urikohime ) Chaotic evil ( Amanojaku )
Height/Weight: 150cm/50kg
Source: Mythology/Urikohime
Region: Japan


Like many stories from Japan it begins with a childless old couple.  One day they find a baby girl in a melon, and rightfully name her Urikohime. She eventually grew up to be a beautiful woman. Eventually a request for her hand in marriage came in. Her parents were overjoyed and went into town to purchase her dowry and get the rest of the things ready for the wedding. Before her parents left they told Urikohime to not open the door no matter what.

Sometime later Urikohime heard a knock at the door and a voice asking her to open the door. Urikohime refused. So, the voice then asked her to at least open the window.

Urikohime opened the window a crack reluctantly. Once the window was open the clawed finger of an amanojaku slide breaking the window. Once the amanojaku was inside the house it attacked Urikohime. And though she fought with all her might she was not strong enough to stop the Amanojaku. It snapped Urikohime’s neck and she died.

The amanojaku then flayed Urikohime’s skin and wore it as a suit pretending to be Urikohime. When her parents came back home they didn’t realize their daughter was dead and the girl in front of them now was an Amanojaku.

Soon it was the day of the wedding. The old couple prepared the amanojaku for the wedding and took it to the husband to be. But on the way there a crow that warned the old couple about Urikohime not being who she seemed. The old couple held the amanojaku right and washed it until the skin of Urikohime came off.

Upon the reveal the amanojaku ran for it’s life. It was chased by the old couple. And as the chase went on more and more people from the village joined in until it was the whole village chasing Amanojaku. Eventually everyone caught up with the Amanojaku they, then bet the Amanojaku to death.

As a servant the host body is Urikohime. A young woman who had no ties to yokai. The only magical element in her life was how she was born. The amanojaku used Urikohime's own naivety against her.

The Amanojaku a type of yokai often thought to be a lesser oni. They are portrayed often in japanese buddhism but are older than that. They also have roots in shintoism and are thought to have come from some evil shinto kami. Amanojaku often go around inspiring people to do evil deeds.

Amanojaku got fused into Urikohime spirit origin due to the story of it wearing Urikohime’s skin. This has weakened the power of amanojaku considerably. It tries to escape from Urikohime constantly but to to avail. So it instead goes to the next best thing and try to manipulate Urikohime into causing chaos and destruction in Amanojaku’s place

Urikohime is also completely unaware that Amanojaku is mixed into her spirit core. Even after she had grown horns, fangs and claws she still didn’t believe it.

Bond 10 ce:
Endurance: B
Agility: A
Mana: D
Luck: D
Noble Phantasm: C

Noble phantasm:  
Jinmen Uriko (quick ) Recover own HP, Increase own attack 3 turns, increase own attack 3 turns
Over charge: chance to remove their defensive debuffs.

The np of Amanojaku. It releases more of its own power into Urikohime taking more control of her. Allowing her to hit harder and take more damage.

Urikohimes’s np: effects unknown

The np of Urikohime. In the 1970s a version of bloody mary involving Urikohime became popular in easter Japan. Saying Urikohime in front of a mirror 3 times at midnight would cause the resentful will of Urikohime to manifest and kill whomever summoned her.

Passive skills:

Mad Enhancement E: Increases own Buster performance by 2%.

Magic Resistance E:  Increases own debuff resistance by 10%.

Active skills:

Denial of true nature: Increases own NP generation rate for 3 turn
500% Chance to seal own NP for 3 turn [Demerit]

Stranger Danger: grant self Invincibility 1 turn
Lower owns defense for 2 turns [Demerit]

Demonic Nature of Oni D: Increases party's attack for 3 turns.
Increases own NP damage for 3 turns.

Amanojaku is often considered a type of minor or lesser oni. In turn she has gained similar skills to the oni albeit much weaker even compared to a half oni.


Demonic, Earth or Sky, Fairy Tale Servants, Humanoid, Oni, Weak to Enuma Elish, Yokai

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