
My Own Way
Chris Leamy

01 — Profile

Name Seranis du Allardyse
Alias Dakota Rothschilde
Age 28
Pronouns He/him
Height 6'1" | 186 cm
Race Fae-kissed Human, Thassalian
Origin Allardyse, Synvallia
Ethnicity Central Allardyne
Affiliations Aroina's Crew | Cyllevian Theiltes
Occupation Krylon Pirate
Positions Quartermaster | Bastard Prince
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Status Alive | Single
Name Seranis du Allardyse
Alias Dakota Rothschilde
Age 28
Pronouns He/him
Height 6'1" | 186 cm
Race Fae-kissed Human, Thassalian
Origin Allardyse, Synvallia
Ethnicity Central Allardyne
Affiliations Aroina's Crew | Cyllevian Theiltes
Occupation Krylon Pirate
Positions Quartermaster | Bastard Prince
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Status Alive | Single


Dakota's most prominent feature is his unruly hair, wavy and dark brown with rusty hints under the sun and held together by a blue patterned bandana with light teal tassels and small pieces of jewelry. Among all those jewelry, the most eye-catching is the inverted teardrop-shaped amber-like gem surrounded by smaller magenta half pearls and two pins of aquamarine jade, all of which are found only in the deepest depths of the ocean. Next to them, against his copper skin made darker by sea voyage, are his heterochromatic eyes with his right one green and left one black. He often wears kohl, though it usually ends up smudged around his eyes. There's a long thin scar on his right eye accompanied by a smaller one, as well as a small nick on the left side of his lower lip. Regarding nicks, his left eyebrow also has two on it.

As for his outfit, Dakota wears a dark gray pirate coat modified from his princely outfit, the embroidery it has had from over a decade ago still somewhat visible though faded, and with dark teal cuffs. Underneath, he has a thin dark greenish-blue/teal cardigan with off-white buttons. His inner shirt is light gray with blue stripes and has a wide vee in the front, loosely held together by a thin dark string that also loops twice around his neck and ends in light gray tassels. He often wears a corset on top of his cardigan and shirt—though its length is diminished by his high waist pants, with a wide band the same light gray and dark teal as his tops, white buttons with a blue rose design, and black straight-cut pant legs that tuck into his calf-length boots.

"Never assume malice when incompetence will suffice as an explanation; however, sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice."

03 — Background

Quick Info



The Bastard Prince

Child of Sea King's captive sister from the Xanthelian line...

The Royal Fae




Sea Voyage; Assassination



The Theiltan Isles




Aroina's Crew




The Phoenix and the Fey




Noble Origin




Eventide Shores





04 — Trivia


  • Calamansi and soursop

  • ...

  • ...

  • ...


  • Rough, thick, and coarse fabric for clothes.

  • How little control he has over the size of his mer form.

  • ...

  • ...


  • His alias last name is pronounced as "rot's child," though it's more of a subtle homage to his mother, Ruthé—with "childe" in archaic form—than what most people would assume it meant. Not that he usually bothers to explain it.

  • The Fey Prince, Griswold, gifted him a Rosalium Chest on his 25th birthday, an arcane artifact that allows him access to the Rosalium Archive and projects a small scale star map within at most a 30-foot radius. It's special, however, in that Dakota has the ability to manipulate it; adding, removing, and adjusting stars as he wishes.

  • Dakota's ghost shark mer form is six times larger than the average merfolk, due to the deep sea gigantism prevalent to Xanthelians. He's also more monochromatic compared to their vibrant versions, with the only non-neutral colors he has the bioluminescent trails decorating his tail and torso.

  • His room aboard the Eventide is called the Navigator's Nest.

  • Despite being a pirate for almost a decade now, Dakota still maintains his posh upperclass Allardyne manner of speaking, with a few Krylon influence here and there. He did once do the rather stereotypical pirate talk when he got super drunk—after which he vowed never to drink until he was beer-addled ever again.

  • He is partially blind in his green eye, partly because of an injury from getting shipwrecked at 18 but also because he is very light-sensitive with it, which on hindsight might have had to do with being half-Xanthelian. On bad days—sunny and cloudless days, that is—he is even forced to wear an eyepatch or he'll have to deal with a headache for the rest of the day.

  • The dark circles around his eyes are part smudged kohl and part exhaustion, thanks to late-night starmappings.

  • He has only ever done keelhauling once, to a traitor who sold them out. It was a messy affair, figuratively and literally. Never again.

05 — Relationships

Aroina [ captain ]






It is obvious to Dakota that she harbors a crush on him, but he truly only sees her as a little sister and cannot reciprocate.

Puck [ royal mentor ]



Arante [ boatswain/mentor ]


Rudbeka [ mom™ friend ]


Eventide Crew [ family ]


Ruthé [ mother (deceased) ]


Ash [ friend ]


Thassalian Society [ merfolk line ]

