Marcus Williams



3 years, 6 months ago


Angela and Marcus were born within moments of each other, and under  unique circumstances. They're fraternal twins, their father is Jack  Williams and their mother is Cassandra. They have a half brother via  Cassandra, named Lea. The three siblings are very close after training and bonding. 

Marcus' abilities include increased speed, strength, resilience, and rapid healing. His specialty is using fire as a defensive sheild, and his superior strength allows him to augment his physical attacks. Unlike his twin sister, he was quick to accept his mom and half-brother when he was informed of his lineage. Like his sister, his status in Stratusberg as a Golden Tiger (favored coloration) made him very desirable to other families wanting to marry into the Williams. He was very insecure about his musical ability prior to leaving Stratusberg, as he had no way of knowing if people liked him for his music or for his family name. Since moving to Mooncrest, he has slowly built a reputation by busking in front of Quarter Past Four and collaborating with FurFaction. After training, he is able to use his musical talent to manipulate people as needed, earning him the status as the first Siren Incubus. 

His best friends are his siblings, Angela and Lea. He's also close to Kayleigh, Eve, and Rae (who he sometimes rooms with). His love interests are Sparky, Dorian, and Len.