Carl Noronicos/Cactose



3 years, 4 months ago


A former cactaci police officer who originally joined the force after being talked into it by his then-best friend. Now he is a part of a group of social rejects whose primary goal is to save the world from an evil demon general originating from another dimension.

Carl was once an orphan boy who ran away to take better care of his pet antlion, Eurene and due to him running away from not just the orphanage but most schooling opportunities, he is neither bright nor logical. When he was younger his friend, Lierre Brinst, offered him a home as Carl at the time was living off the streets with Eurene. Carl accepted the offer and the two became close like brothers. As they got older Carl and Lierre became police officers, however, on one fateful day Lierre would get caught up in a shoot-out with the Dunestormers, and Judas Francos, the leader of the Dunestormers, would be the one to kill Lierre. The death of Lierre and the sight of his grieving family would be enough to motivate Carl to go on a mission to find and kill Judas Francos. Along the way, he receives special training from the Arconian legendary gunslinger Talc Iskas and a few others.

Hellzapoppin allows carl to manipulate the wind and use it to his advantage. He at his current stage is not proficient with it, but he can still use it to sense people using air currents, create dangerous cyclones that will tear away at anything it comes in contact with, and even propel himself forward at high speeds.

-Dry Lightning
Essentially allows Carl to flash a blinding light from his orb. It is effective for throwing off opponents and/or just temporarily blinding them.

-Not an ability but his aim with a gun is unlike any other.

Extra Info:
-Carl is six feet tall and weighs around 191 lbs with a slim-fit build.
-He takes quite some pride in his looks but is not totally obsessed with himself.
-His body is 54 but his AWS (Age With Sentience) is 23.