Sage Liln



7 years, 1 month ago



Note! I know .remember no one who did most of these arts. Though they are mostly from people on Gaia online.


Name: Sage Liln
Bio Sex: Female

Age: 6, 579 ( Appears to be  20-21 ish)

Species: Vampiric angel

Special Qualities:speaks demonic tongues, Minor pyrokinesis, telepathic, telekinesis, specializes in ancient magic tongues, usage of vampiric and minor angelic magic

Sage is overly all hard to read. Those who know her would describe her most-likely, an over all kind yet cynical person who some times looses herself to anger. Though she does have a protective side of those who are some how in her mind weaker than her, making a frightening yet respectable person. A two faced book in other words, Open it to one side and you'll get one person or open it to the other side and find some one completely different. Also much like her Oldest son Tai, Sage can become totaly off her rocker and rather frightening at time.

she stands around 5'6 (she looks basically like a teenager)
(her body is cover in scars but for her face hands and feet)
she always wears darker colors (Though she will randomily toss in bright neon colors, all but green, into her outfit to make it stand out.)
She typically wears long Victorian style dresses or something Goth Lolita, though she will wear tank tops and t-shirts with print on them if she is feeling overly lazy.
Her ears are slightly pointed almost elf like but coming to such a fine point at th end like some elves ears do.
Six red and black feathered wings, the feathers are randomily colored ranging in different shade of both red and black. She also has fangs though they tend to look more like overly pointed canines of a normal human. In a rare instant her fangs do become longer for her to feed.

Sage was seraphim before she thrown from heaven,she also at that time didn't know her lineage of vampire blood. She believed she was fully an angel, heading up the vampire hunt team of the area her angelic lineage cared for. Soon after one of the numerous  hell/ heaven wars, Sage was raped by a higher ranking angel, all the proof she needed that she was not completely angel, as it was written that no angel could harm another of full blood with in the gates. Faced with the new thoughts of having a child and finding out she was a half vampire, Sage took to manically killing her rapist and his whole family. Though a few did try to support Sage before her trial with in heaven. She was named an Angel hunter for her swearing to kill all angels who  dared to judge others because of the way they were born or with some species that were turned into something they might not have wanted to be. Once she was thrown from the gates, Sage took up helping vampires or others who were being hunted for things she saw as being wrong.

Hair Color: Blood red, mixed with rarely seen soft sliver of soft blonde hair
Eye Color: left is blood red , right it pale silver
Skin Color: albino white with a silver tint
Distinguishing Marks: A vertical eye tattooed to her inner forearm on her right arm ,"death to thus who do not seek light" carved into her flesh under the tattoo.She has angelic writing carved in her flesh down her right arm under the tattoo.The left arm also has the same phrase in an ancient vampiric writing down her left arm.The top of both her ears are pierced and connected by a chain that goes behind her head and lead to another row of piercing along her spine. Of course her scars that cover all but for small bits of flesh through out her body that aren't covered with clothing.