Tai Liln



7 years, 1 month ago


Sage Liln's son 3/4th angel/ 1/4 Vampire VERY insane

NOTE most of the this art if from gaia online and I don't remember who did them

Name: Tai Liln

Species: Vampirc angel

Hair: Blood red with either silver or black tips. Ranging in length from slightly above the ear to slightly past the top of the shoulders on either side; rather messy looking even when it’s brushed. It would look like almost as if his hair had originally all been one length that some one just randomly chopped sections of it off.
Body: Thin, lanky. Almost girly in way of facial features; long eye lashes, thin delicate lips
Skin: Slightly tanned
Eyes: a soft swirl of red and silver, the swirls themselves are constantly moving and very hypnotic even to the point of hypnotizing himself while looking in the mirror. Some times he’ll wear glasses (the kind that tint in sunlight) or sunglasses due to his eye sensitivity to the sunlight
Clothes: Brought up by a rather insane actually female mother, Tai tends to wear either some thing either very slutty goth Lolita or female’s Victorian style dress in all its fluffy glory-ness. With the goth Lolita stuff its normally something black accented with bright neon colors and never goes and where past the mid-thigh if it’s a dress or skirt. When it comes to the Victorian dresses it’s full out with petticoats and corsets under the fluffy big-assed dresses.
Height: 6.4ft
Marks: Tai really doesn't have any thing such as tattoos or piercing to make him stand out. Its probably more the fact that Tai will only wear female dresses unless he is cosplaying a vampire from a novel, that would cause him to stand out
Wings: An extreme dark red color with a few rare and random black feather tossed in ever so often
Other:. Personality: Crazy ass motherfucker, touch me I’ll rip you heart out and feed it you while I kill your family sort of dress loving child
History: Tai is based of a role-playing character of mine whom is a basically in the beginning of his life he’s in heaven being raised by his father while his crazy vampiric angel mother is busy running around killing off people. As this is going on Tai finds out his mother isn’t crazy just trying to get revenge on his father whom went through some rather unholy means to brings Tai into the world. So after slaying his father Tai goes to live with his mother when he find out she only lives with gay males which in turns ends up being how Tai himself finds about his own little male booty chasing problems. Quirks: even with his rather rude and demented personality Tai is a big mama’s boy when it comes to his mother and any one else he becomes attached to the boy would do anything for them he’s rather attached to the idea of keeping thing ones close to him alive and that he must be the one to do it.