Rayne Arce Erlik



7 years, 1 month ago


Name: Rayne Arce Erlik
Age: 19
Race: Loups Garou
Gender: Female
Occupation: Bartender {Currently searching for work}, Bouquet owner
Location: Greenwich Village, along with property in the open country of Connecticut.
Hair: To slightly below the bum in length. Naturally curly making the length to the knees, though worn slightly wavy instead of curled at most times. Naturally dirty blonde, though her hair is always dyed a deep almost blood red color
Eyes: Pale Blue almost silver looking. She wears black thick square glasses made from metal and plastic.
Weight: 126 lbs.
Height: 5’6”
Skin: On the pale side, as if she doesn’t get much sun.
Body type: Curvious, though tone. Much like a runner’s body lightly muscled though not overly done and manly looking.

In shoulders just below the neck line: Black out-line of a howling wolf head shot in-front of a pale yellow moon. A line on different shades of grey clouds at the neckline off the wolf, as the bottom of the tattoo.
Mid-back just above pants line: One main tattoo of a red iris cat-like eye, the outside of the eye is a soft blue. Around the eye are three thorns like spikes also red, two on bottom one on top. Next to the eye is a four left clover believed to be the mark of her pack. The stem of the clover attaches to the corner of the eye.

Scars: A small cross shaped scar above her left eye. Another scar down the right side of her neck, that leads from the ear down the side of the neck then down the back or the right shoulder curving under the arm where it ends. Slight bit of the left ear tip missing. Claw marks running from the tip of the right hip to the tip of the knee cap.

Piercing: Right ear is completely pierced top to bottom. Left ear only has to small loop earrings that match two of the small loops on the right ear. On occasion two thin silver chains are hung on the back of the head, from the sets of matching small loop piercing on the left and right ears.

Clothing: Rayne prefers to make her own clothing from other items she’s bought at the thrift stores. All the clothing she makes and ends up never wearing are sold in her small punk rock Bouquet. Her favorite items by far though are her Frankenstein pants and her star belt. The Frankenstein pants are made from at least thirteen other pairs of pants sewn together with a sewing machine then accented with a thicker more visible stitch. The star belt is another one of Rayne’s creations, all the leather was hand dyed and cut by Rayne then tacked together on her work table. It was one of Rayne’s first works and her first attempt a dyeing and leather work.

Making clothing, dyeing flowers different colors, walking the city, reading, fashion, nature, places to run and hunt, playing cards, smoking cigarettes

Dislikes: Cats, over-priced clothing, over cooked meat, tourist, cramped spaces

Pets: Rayne owns to half wolf mutts, Victor “Vic” and Rage. Victor is half red wolf and perhaps coyote and what Rayne guesses is husky due to his bright blue eyes. Other wise Victor looks pretty much like wolf with a husky like markings in the darker brown grey fur common to his kind and the rest of his body is the more orange brown color also seen in red wolves. Rage on the other hand is a larger grey wolf mutt and his other half is not as clear, because Rage looks completely like a grey wolf but for his one green eye and his ears which go between being floppy and standing up.

And of course whom how could one forget Diablo, he technically wasn't one of Rayne’s pets like Rage and Vic. Diablo was at one point in his life a Loups Garou or werewolf, and at another point in his existence he had been cursed to forever hold his wolf form. Diablo was a large black wolf, some what like Rayne though he was completely black no soft silver patches made from white tipped hairs. Diablo could only be seen in the dead of night by the light of the moon reflecting on his one blue and the other green eyes. And he was also almost twice the size of Rayne in her wolf form; he was also scarred all over his body from numerous fights with wild wolves and other such creatures. Diablo had more like adopted Rayne rather than the opposite how it was with Rage and Vic. Rayne had been running with a wolf back in the wilds of Connecticut, when Diablo had appeared. The rest of the pack had taken off in different directions, leaving Rayne to deal with Diablo. At first he had growled and leapt forward to attack Rayne had skittered back away. But as he stalked closer he slowly started to try and telepathically communicate with Rayne. He spoke in old broken English as if though he were having trouble remembering the language at all. He had been trying to warn her off what he believed to be his land, and Rayne had countered that it was her land though purchase from humans. From that day forth, Rayne had seen Diablo as one of her only pack mates. She had tried to help remove his curse though all attempts had come up worthless. Diablo also never truly stayed with Rayne, he always lurked close by ready to help. Rayne could never tell whether or not Diablo was around or how he seemed to follow her from state to state no matter how far she went. But it really didn't matter to her as long as she saw glimpses of those miss-matched eyes following her along dark alleys she felt safe. And Diablo felt that he was once again, some what normal taking up the place of protecting Rayne from those who would harm her.

Personality: Rayne is like most working teenagers, she likes to party on occasion but for the most part she’s calm and collected even a bit cold side when she’s working at the bouquet and around new people. But when she’s bartending or when she gets to know some one, Rayne becomes warmer and rather nice and clingy.

History: Rayne was raised by her Aunt after her parents and siblings had either abandoned her or died in some way. Rayne’s aunt never told her the full story and left it very vague when telling her anything leaving much to be guessed. From what she was told and what she could force her aunt into telling her, Rayne knew her father had been the Alpha of their Connecticut based pack and that her mother hand originally been human but was cursed the life of a Loups Garou before marrying her father. Other wise Rayne had been able to figure out her main heritage was Irish due mainly to the raving of her aunt when she first tried to get any other tattoo but the pack’s mark first. And about how Irish people could be so obsessed with a freaking clover that they’d mark every one in a pack with it. As far as her mom and aunt’s side went, Rayne had figured they were from Germany from the pictures and letters she had seen framed on her aunt’s attic.

“To many Loups Garou are either simply werewolves or they are something more something more magical. Beings that can willingly go from human to being fully wolf and any where in between with out the need of a full moon. Though the moon does bring forth the more animalist side to them. Loups Garou are very much werewolves in a sense yet they are something more. They on a rare occasion can turn a human into a Loups Garou through a bite but other wise they are made by birth or through being cursed to the Loups Garou life. Most Loups Garou who are born either instantly come into shifter power at birth. Or in your case Rayne they learn their own true nature at the age of eighteen with moon closest to right after their birthday. Not only can they change at will they are less so affected by silver, small amounts against the skin only cause a small rash after long contact. Large amounts or one hundred percent pure silver may cause scarring, such as the cross above your eye, my dear. “The small speech from her aunt was exactly how Rayne explained herself to others. It also brought back memories of the scar she had gotten after her first change when a neighbor saw her changing and threw a pure silver cross at her head. Rayne none the less was a Loups Garou and was no less proud of her heritage. But in any other sense Rayne was herself like any other werewolf, she likes to hunt and run in the wild, used to live with a pack when she was young though she does not truly remember. And she is currently searching for a new pack in her free time. Some times she ran with other wolves and some times she left her animal side rule her for hunts, nothing wrong with that right? Well, over the past year Rayne has gotten use to her new found shifting powers, while on working on her clothing line and bartending on the side. Other wise Rayne is currently dealing with the death of her aunt and learning to live on her own with in the large city and running a business at the same time.

Were/Wolf Form:
Fur: Deep Black, with a slight silver tint due to the tips of the fur being a mix of grey and white.
Scars: Left ear tip is missing, Claw mark scars on right back thigh.
Eyes: Soft Silver
Hair: Mix of black and slivers of the dyed red from her human form. To Mid-back in length and slightly waved.
Height: 6’ ft
Body type: Much like runner’s body slightly muscled though not at all manly looking. Slightly more muscled than in her human form, more defined muscles rather than just the light out-line of the muscle.
Pack: Past pack I currently MIA few known members have split and moved from the original homeland of Connecticut to either become Rogue or join other packs according to Rayne’s aunt. Other wise Rayne is currently in search of a pack to join.