beetlejuice's Comments


thethe the

i can offer characters or art , for characters only :3c is offlims and >:3 im extremely tent with , youd be free to look anywhere else :D! 

Hi! I actually redesigned this oc a while ago and forgot to upload the image (it's there now!) 

If your offer still stands after the redesign I'll respond when I'm free :-3👍


offer still stands :3!!

Could I offer two icons and trades? 👀

(Also is there a chance I could see the full design?)

I forgot to set their images to public, my apologies! 

And I'll accept the offer for icons and trades, but I'm a bit unsure on what/who you're willing to trade <:-0

Oh I'm willing to trade some babies in Here and in Hibiscus_Sales !!

Also I just checked the ref and I'm not gonna be able to connect to the design :((

So sorry!!

It's okay!!! <:-3