


3 years, 5 months ago




Juliet (Jules, J)






June 15


Wyndon, Galar


Field Researcher, Barista, Teacher (future)



Carefree • Easy-going • Compassionate • Strategic

Juliet is relaxed and easy-going, always wearing a smile on her face because even in sad times, smiling makes the pain bearable. She can be playful and mischievous, acting as the ice breaker or mood maker during awkward situations when they arise. But, she doesn’t take genuine compliments easily, believing her actions are nothing to be praised for as a result of how doubtful people were of her in the past. On the flip side, it makes her all the more willing to offer praises and compliments to others because she doesn’t want anyone to feel what she feels. This makes her very empathetic and compassionate towards other people’s emotions that doing what she can to ease their burden is her top priority. This does make her seem nosy and intrusive at times, but it’s always out of concern and will back off if the person she’s trying to console doesn’t want her help.

Even though her goal of making a name for herself and standing on her own is technically obtained as long as she continues taking on Max Raids, she won’t be completely satisfied until she learns to give herself more credit and believe in herself a little more.

On top of being the ‘leader’ of her Max Raid team, and being a Field Researcher for Professor Magnolia, she works at the Battle Cafe in Wyndon as a Barista. As a Barista, her job is to simply serve drinks and food and oversees matches between Challengers and the Cafe Master. She basically holds down the fort and deals with customers while the Cafe Master, who she calls ‘Boss’, is battling.

During the events of "The Ties That Bind", she and her team are approached to be guest commentators and MCs for the upcoming Gym Challenge. She’s very good at speaking on the fly and leading her friends into the discussion, but sometimes she ends up talking too much. 


  • Video Games
  • Archery
  • Baked Goods & Sweets
  • Swimming


  • Needles
  • Bitter & Sour Foods
  • Spider Pokemon
  • Snow (cold weather in general)
"I just wanted a place to belong and be remembered."


Juliet is a trainer from Hoenn who reigned as Champion for a short while when she was 11 and It’s a title that she’s not particularly fond of when brought up because of how much people doubted the legitimacy of her Champion status due to a multitude of reasons such as being the youngest female trainer to become Champion at the time, or the match being rigged because she didn’t need to use a full team of Pokemon - all of which were only echoed by the media and further fueling the controversies. Many people thought she did it to show off or even did it as a ploy for opponents to pity her. All of this build up doubt and ridicule, on top of a harsh home life, eventually got to her that she unsurprisingly lost her title from crumbling under the pressure. Despite the loss, her love for Pokemon and battling is what keeps her smiling but she has a lot of confidence issues and sees herself as nothing more than average, despite show immense strategical prowess to obtain the title of Champion fair and square in her youth.

Her goal in life isn’t to be a Champion or the strongest trainer out there, but to make a name for herself and prove to people that she can stand on her own and shine. Most of her supporters from her Champion days (for which she only reigned for a few months) have disappeared, leaving her with a mountain of questions of what she was going to do with her uncertain future. Not wanting to dwell on her past, she traveled all over the Pokemon World to experience the cultures of other regions and in turn, increased her party of Pokemon in the process.

Along the way, she met other trainers from other regions, whom joined her on her travels for self-discovery until they landed in the region of Galar. Upon partaking in an impromptu Max Raid, her appreciation and excitement for Raids was born and she and her friends established their own Raid team known as Raid Prism. Their teamwork and group synergy from their livestreamed battles were recognized by Professor Magnolia, whom hired them to send her Dynamax and Gigantamax Pokemon for research. Juliet and her friends are now living in Galar in neighbouring flats in Wyndon.

Fanfic - The Ties That Bind

A sport that exemplified teamwork to take down the Dynamax Pokemon lurking in the depths of Power Spots scattered throughout the Wild Area - these were Max Raid Battles. A team by the name of Raid Prism, one of the popular teams to kick off the boom of Raid Battles, are formally invited to oversee the Gym Challenge as guest MCs due to their battle experience and contributions to Dynamax research.

Having the strength to move on and recognize insecurities, was never easy. Juliet, the leader of Raid Prism, is haunted by nightmares that force her to confront the past that she had long turned her back from. This journey of self-reflection not only serves as a turning point for herself, but for the lives of others that weave and intersect with each other.


Rise to fame: 10 years old was an important age for young trainers and that they could take the first step into choosing what they wanted to be. Many chose to be Pokemon Trainers, Coordinators, etc. while others chose to be Pokemon Breeders, Doctors, etc. Growing up in Hoenn, Juliet was a massive fan of Pokemon Contests and tried to attend as many rounds as she could with what her parents would allow. Shining brightly on stage with Pokemon, she wanted nothing more than to stand on the same stage with her future Pokemon standing behind her as they brought smiles and laughs to the audience watching them.

She begged every day to her parents to let her pursue this path, but due to money problems and lack of faith from her parents, she never got to see this dream realized. To give her parents a little bit of credit, it’s not that they didn’t want her to pursue what she wanted, but in their eyes, being something other than a Doctor was financially unpredictable so it was a case of parents doing what was best for their kid.

Juliet spent a year deciding what she really wanted to do if being a Pokemon Coordinator was out of the question. She knew in her heart that she wanted to have a Pokemon team of her own, which is then she entertained the idea of being a Pokemon Trainer. Her parents wouldn’t have to spend money on costumes, and she’d have the freedom to explore her region to the fullest all on her own. It took a lot of convincing since her parents were over-protective, but seeing as how they couldn’t support her dream of being a Pokemon Coordinator, they thought it was only fair to let her try to be a Pokemon Trainer.

With new found support and confidence at finally being able to do what she wanted, she received her starter Pokemon who would go on to be her companion for life and best friend - a Mudkip who had been disowned by an abusive trainer, whom she named Hajime. Needless to say, he didn’t behave well, either ignoring commands or lashing out angrily when she would scold him lightly. But, she kept her cool and was patient with him. After all, they weren’t that different from each other. They both knew how it felt to have people not believe in them. So, they spent weeks bonding as a Trainer to Pokemon until slowly, Hajime was able to shake off his disobedience and follow commands. He eventually evolved into a Marshstomp and then a Swampert, and by the time they reached the Elite Four, Juliet developed a strong bond with her team that consisted of Swampert (Hajime), Flygon (TIki), and Pikachu (Odin). It was pretty unconventional to have a small party of Pokemon for the Elite Four, but she believed they were strong enough to overcome the odds and they trusted her in turn for believing in them. This was her way of proving to her parents that she was strong and that she could prevail if they just believed in her.

And they succeeded. After a close battle, she had become Champion of the Hoenn region, much to the delight of her family and friends. But above all else, she was the most proud of her Pokemon - they were the reason she was able to get this far. But the initial glamour of being a Champion didn’t last very long.

Fall from grace: Her rise to Champion was mostly positively regarded, but it was hard to ignore the people who accused her of cheating or showing off because of how many Pokemon she used and how young she was on top of it to pull it off. She has always believed that it’s not how many Pokemon you have, it’s how you use them that matters, but that didn’t stop the naysayers from twisting her words in a way where it sounded like she was calling those who had a full team were weak or not smart and the media followed in that direction as well for articles about her. Her parents were especially harsh with her as well, telling her to toughen up like they thought she could be by how she was able to become Champion in the first place. Keep in mind, she’s still a kid. Any kid on the cusp of puberty is already so vulnerable to comments that bring their self-esteem into question especially if her own parents weren’t supporting her like she thought they would. It was all about success and results in their eyes and she swiftly learned the hard way that she was being used as their trophy to brag about since her older brother was studying diligently to be the model son that they wanted him to be. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t take it anymore. Not only was she being doubted, but her Pokemon by extension were feeling it too and she didn’t want them to feel awful anymore because of her. She unsurprisingly lost and lost her title as Champion.

She thought she was finally free of being under the spotlight, but her loss still brought about comments saying they were glad there was a new Champion and how glad they were that she was ‘finally put into her place’.

Juliet spent weeks isolated in her room and she would refuse to come out even if the few friends she had wanted to invite her to play or her relatives were visiting. Especially with family, she always dreaded questions of what her plans for her future were, or telling her to suck it up and move on. The only company that she allowed was her Pokemon, because just like her, they were feeling depressed as well. After a heated argument with her father, she couldn’t stand living in such a toxic household anymore. Her Pokemon deserved so much better and even in her self-pity, she thought she deserved it too. That night, she packed what she could and left her hometown of Lilycove City to her aunt and uncle’s inn in Lavaridge Town.

The only one who was able to bring her back to her normal self, was her aunt and uncle, who took custody of her without hesitation from her parents and raised her like she was their own daughter. They were understanding and kind enough to even hire a therapist for her, in hopes that she would release everything that she kept bottled up until then and slowly recover from the abuse she suffered. After awhile, when Juliet was finally able to smile again, her aunt took her around the world to help her revitalize her love for life again, and help her discover new passions. Her aunt, uncle and cousin, Courtney, were the few family members who supported her unconditionally and always looked out for her happiness. Travelling brought back her carefree spirit, but it wasn’t enough to dispel the doubt in her heart that showed itself every now and again.

Learning to heal: Over the three years of travelling with her aunt, Juliet eventually started to travel on her own but not before at least repaying her aunt back by helping her around her inn in Lavaridge Town in Hoenn for a few months. She earned quite a bit and set off on a world-wide journey of self-discovery. During her travels with her aunt, she learned to be independent and self-sufficient, which made it easy for her to adapt to the wild life in between towns.

Juliet was joined by three more travel friends and companions who were from Kanto and Johto. During their travels, they participated in many tournaments at the Battle Frontier, Battle Subway, Battle Tree, etc. Her love for competitive battling came back, but not to a point where she thought about pursuing greater heights like becoming Champion again due to her anxiety over the outcome of what happened when she was younger. She had thought about becoming a Pokemon Coordinator like she wanted all those years ago now that she made a decent living through her winnings, but she wasn’t quite ready to be in the spotlight after all these years.

Her Pokemon team eventually filled out with Chandelure, Decidueye, and Sylveon, on top of her Pikachu evolving into an Alolan Raichu during her time in Alola.

Her friends traveled to the Galar region after hearing about the famous Wild Area, a huge untouched stretch of land in the middle of the region that flourished with different habitats and ecosystems of Pokemon, but riddled with these markers called Power Spots. They had a basic idea of what Dynamaxing was and that activated Power Spots housed wild, Dynamaxed Pokemon that trainers could challenge themselves against in an event called Max Raid Battles.

After completing a few, and seeing how there were countless of Power Spots still scattered all over the massive Wild Area, their mutual excitement over Max Raids gave them motivation to stay in Galar much longer than when they stayed in other regions. Juliet jokingly created a Pokegram account as a means to document their Raids, which unexpectedly blew up with supporters and followers all over the world. On one hand, it made her happy to see the sheer amount of support people had over their teamwork and synergy, but on the other hand it made her afraid that people from the past would catch up with what she was doing to ridicule her. Luckily, no such thing happened but there were a few trolls and the like who insulted their strategies or would personally insult one of them - but now that she was older and had close friends who had her back, it was easier to dismiss the negativity that came their way. They were just having fun and it made them even happier knowing they had fans who were having fun vicariously through their streams and recordings.

They eventually named their team, Prism.


• Wavy hair when hair is down

• Wears glasses at home

• Always wearing a gentle smile

• Casual fashion sense

• Cool palette


• Birthplace: Lilycove City, Hoenn


• Sun Sign: Gemini

• Major Arcana: The Magician

• Favourite Colour: Sky Blue

• Favourite Season: Summer

• Relationship Status: Taken (Leon from Pokemon Sword and Shield)


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Hajime is Juliet’s ace, who was her first ever Pokemon when she started her Pokemon journey. He was rowdy and misbehaved as a Mudkip due to his past trainer treating him poorly. Thanks to Juliet’s care, kindness, and empathy, he overcame his initial trust issues and became a force to be reckon with in Pokemon battles. He’s extremely loyal towards his trainer, willing to put himself in danger if it resulted in his trainer’s safety. He’s one of the three Pokemon she used in the Hoenn League.




Tiki was caught as a Trapinch in the desert of the Hoenn region. More specifically, Juliet saved her when she had rolled over on her back and couldn’t roll back over. Despite being a bit clumsy and hyper as a Trapinch, as a Flygon she grew to be a graceful Pokemon and is very affectionate towards her trainer. She’s also very motherly towards smaller Pokemon, always offering to give them a ride on her back or to cuddle with them. Juliet also owns a shiny baby Trapinch as a pet, given to her by her best friend Mary and Tiki very much regards the baby Pokemon as her son. She’s one of the three Pokemon she used in the Hoenn League.



Odin was caught as a Pikachu in the Safari Zone during the latter half of Juliet’s journey through the Pokemon League in Hoenn. He’s very flashy and theatrical with his attacks, as if putting on a show would somehow increase the power of his moves. He’s a good sport though, keeping a smile on his face even if he lost a battle. Being an Alolan Raichu, he absolutely adores sweets like pancakes, Poffins, Pokepuffs, etc that perhaps the reason why he’s always smiling during the end of every battle is so he can get a treat from Juliet. He’s one of the three Pokemon she used in the Hoenn League, but when he was just a Pikachu.



The memory of her first meeting with Hubert is a bit of a hazy one. The most she can recall of the encounter is that she ran into an abandoned house to take shelter from a sandstorm. The next thing she remembers is that she woke up elsewhere along Reversal Mountain with an extra Pokemon containing Hubert strapped to her belt. Hubert is a mysterious Pokemon to be sure and often eerily stalks his opponents as if to scare them into submission instead of attacking. He does show a rare soft spot that’s only reserved for his trainer.



Hilda was hatched from a Pokemon Egg as an Eevee in Kalos. She’s actually the younger sister of Aria, a Shiny male Sylveon born from the same litter and belongs to Juliet’s best friend, Mary. Hilda is a bright eyed and cheerful Pokemon and absolutely adores fashion and accessories. Despite looking dainty and adorable, she’s actually a lot stronger than she looks and is capable of dealing fatal blows to the more ferocious of Dragon Pokemon. She does need a bit of encouragement to reach that point though.


Takumi was given to her as a gift when he was a Rowlet from Professor Kukui, who was looking for a trainer to take him in when he was the only one not selected from starting trainers. He was weak and a bit frail as a Rowlet at first, but with enough patience and discipline, he grew up to be a capable and extremely fast Decidueye. Despite this, he carries a bit of a superiority complex that evolved from his youth that he often pushes himself past his limit in order to prove himself. Juliet still loves him all the same and always reminds him to rest and take care of himself. Because of his natural talent at archery, Juliet picked it up as a hobby and they often have friendly matches at the shooting range.

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