Lilysse Ethelle Heimdallr (The Caged Flower)



3 years, 5 months ago


The Caged Flower

The Caged Flower
Objective Lilysse Escape the battlefield
Defeat the enemy commander
Units Allowed Byleth, Lilysse and 8 others
Boss Great Knight
Reward(s) Asteria's Regalia
Battalion: Heimdallr Wind Mages
Script Chapter Script
"Lilysse receives a letter from her father asking her to come home take the tresure of the Heimdallr Family which will certainly help during the war. Since the territory is occuped by the Imperial army, a fight will certainly occure..."

The Caged Flower is Lilysse's paralogue in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. The chapter takes place at the Marquisate Heimdallr, and is only avaliable during Azure Moon, Verdant Wind and Silver Snow after Chapter 13 during Part 2.


Lilysse recived a letter from her father telling her to come home in order to take the treasure of the family, a treasure that will without a doubt help during the war. Since the territory is under the occupation of the Imperial army, Lilysse requests Byleth's help in order to get the treasur she also inform them that her father is still helping in secret the resistance in the Kingdom.

On their way to the Marquess' Mansion, an Imperial troops block their advance. Even when Lilysse says that she is the daugther of the Marquess and want to return home, the commander of the troop doesn't want to let them pass. Byleth and Lilysse know that they have to defeat the commander or Lilysse manage to escape the battlefield if they want to get the treasure.

If the enemy commander is defeated or Lilysse manage to go to escape the battlefield she can finaly talk to her father and get what his father want to gives to her.

When the group returns to the monastery, Lilysse appologies to Byleth and thanks them foer their help. She show and gives them the Asteria's Regalia, a sacred weapon passed down through the bloodline Heimdallr. She tells the that she know they would know better than her how to use the benefits from the sword before thaking them again and leaving.

Availability, Units, and Suggested Level

Route: Azure Moon, Verdant Wind and Silver Snow

From Chapter 14

Until 8/23

Suggested level: 28

Party size: 10

2/4/5x Dark Mages (Normal/Hard/Maddening)

3x Mercenaries

2x Snipers

2x Paladins

2x Assassins

3/5x Warlocks (Normal and Hard/Maddening)

3/5x Bishops (Normal and Hard/Maddening)

Great Knight


  • If Lilysse is recruted, she will express fear at the idea of facing her father since she dosen't fight for the Kingdom even if she knows it was her father who send her the letter.

Profile by Erandia
Edited by Ziodyne