


7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info










994 years (16 human years)


June 29 (Cancer)




Clairvoyance / Commoner


Interpretor (current)/ Translator (future)


Floral Horns, Heterochromia, Deaf


Lawful Neutral

Personality Highlights

Quiet | Introverted | Sluggish | Cranky | Short-tempered | Paranoid | Loving | Likes jokes | Begrudging


Wrey's brother (figure) , Xagales's brother (figure)


"I'm not feeling up to it right now"


Personality: Gionshayle gives off a slightly cold atmosphere which would make it hard for anyone outside the homegrounds to approach him. Gion's energy gets drained easily which causes him to limit his exertion. His lack of energy is due to the nature of his energy, which comes from the gentle sway of plants in the breeze. He does acknowledge people's presence as he is aware that he may seem intimidating but does not want to seem rude. His attitude towards different people is heavily influenced by their first interaction. He can either have a positive or negative view on people and it will be hard to turn it around. Should the first impression be negative, he will be more likely to be cranky. On the other hand, if the first impression is positive, he will be more doting and loving. Gion is however incapable of truly disliking anybody. He is also terribly weak towards jokes and humour and can easily be won over by such entertainment (use this to make him like you if you have offended him at first. He may not admit to laughter at first but he will definitely cave eventually). Sometimes laughs at his own jokes.

Brief Story: Gionshayle's egg was produced underground among the roots of flower bushes, and was only half out of the ground when the shell bloomed open. He was a tad smaller than regular newborn dragons, which was rare but happened now and then. All the other dragons in the homegrounds were very doting towards Gion in his earlier years, in a motherly way.

When he played with the other kids, he always had to stop often and take several rests. The other kids would occassionally take a break along with him. He dearly wished he could be as active as the others, but even they advised him that it could be dangerous for him. It was also during these rests when he discovered he could interact with plants. The Interpretor dragons were thrilled to learn that little Gion had their talent. At some point, they decided to bring Gion with them to a greenhouse to test his aptitude for interpretation. Gion thought it was awfully warm in there and it was already starting to take a toll on him.

There was another young dragon there who Gion recognized to be Wrey. The older dragons explained that Wrey, a Fire energy dragon, was there to help regulate the temperature. Gion had meant to greet him as well, until he fainted. When he came to, he was being held up by Wrey and he noticed it felt much cooler, even more so than the temperature outdoors. Frantic Interpretors heaved a sigh of relief and proceeded to explain that Wrey had immediately absorbed the heat surrounding Gion when he fainted. Essentially, he lost conciousness for about 1 for 2 seconds. Wrey made some joke about "not being able to take the heat". Gion was caught off guard by the joke and let out breathy giggle. Wrey, encouraged by this, followed it up with "i took the heat instead", which made Gion and the Interpetors laugh. Finishing it off with "literally", causing Gion to howl with laughter and subsequently pass out again.

Since then, Gion and Wrey were put together to tend to their greenhouse. Gion became incredibly fond of Wrey, much more than he was towards any other dragon. The two would rarely be found alone from that point on.

Extra Stuff:

  • He tends to be worried about his lack of tact when conveying emotions to others (besides plants)
  • His favourite jokes are riddles and puns
  • He likes to interpret and communicate with cacti and succulents because they aren't as demanding as other plants
  • He is prone to mistaking the words of a plant for a person's which can astonish him
  • He is able to read minds to "hear" but is incapable of hearing noises made by objects like bells and gravel