


3 years, 6 months ago




‘I wouldn’t say I’m smart, everyone else is just… well, stupid.’

Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • Worth $70
    • Designer Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • World Arcturus (Planet of Divinity)

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title Meta/Noia
    • Relationship Status Single
    • Gender Male/Female
    • Occupation Unemployed
    • Religion N/A
    • Handedness Ambidextrous
    • Age Unknown (Looks around Eighteen)
    • Species Morphian


    Due to MetaNoia being several different elements with six different personalities and two main elements, their looks are based off that. In their humanoid form, they appear to be female and have one fiery orange red eye and one very icy blue eye. They also have large, feathery angel-like wings. They are black, red and blue, often surrounded by shadows during the day, but and night, they seem to glow like fire. Their hair is different, with one side being silver. It is long enough to reach her knees. The other side has short black hair, which only goes to her chin. A set of horns black and white come from their head and curve downwards. They often have on a little black dress with long sleeves and odd shoes. One is a blue sneaker with a long black sock, often worn on her left food. The other is an armoured boot. They have no shame in what they wear, though people often wonder why they dress this way. In their other form, MetaNoia has a similar appearance, keeping their horns and wings. They have the body of a wolf, with eyes that glow in the night. Their black and white fur has red markings which show up whenever they enter the shadows.


    • BUILD Curvy but fit
    • SMOKES/DRUGS Drinks alcohol and smokes on the very odd occasion
    • MENTAL ILLNESSES/DISABILITIES Multiple personality disorder

    • FOOD Spicy food
    • COLOUR Blue and fiery red
    • ANIMAL Wolves and Eagles
    • SETTING The woods/The busy city
    • WEATHER Dark and stormy/Hot and sunny
    • DRINK Good ol' beer
    • NUMBER Thirty Three
    • GENRE Tragedy
    • ACTIVITY Causing mischief
    • TIME OF DAY Midnight/Daybreak


    • Death and chaos
    • Pink flowers and teddies
    • Fire
    • Challenges


    • Water and swimming
    • Things being too easy
    • Her other personalities telling her what to do
    • Incompetence


    • Writing/drawing
    • Puzzles of all kinds
    • Any sort of sports, especially running and biking
    • Reading

    MetaNoia has a total of six different personalities and two main elements. Her original personality was a kind and innocent one, now buried below the other five. On the odd occassion, it does show through, but the others are in control most of the time. Her secondary personality, her alter ego, is known to be prone to violent behaviour with a head filled of dark thoughts. This personality of hers is also very clever and knows the fastest, cleanest ways on how to kill people. Meta is the boy Morphian that lives within her. His original personality is a crafty one, where he thinks outside of the box and enjoys writing and painting. His alter ego, on the other hand, is the athletic type, best at sprinting long distances without tiring, but he also knows how to fight really well. Meta is also afraid of heights, no matter which personality is in control and is brutally honest, and states things how he see them. He also likes to have fun in his own way that does not involve many people. He does, however, enjoy a good trick played on others. The girl Morphian, Noia, has a superhuman mind, where she knows how to crack safes, pick locks, build high tech things and learn new things within minutes. She cannot decide whether she is outgoing or withdrawn, sometimes she loves going to epic parties late at night, but other times she is like her other half, who keeps to himself and is not a huge fan of crowds or people in general. Her alter ego has advanced knowledge on plants, nature and making potions as well as various poisons. Noia is also afraid of the dark, which brings up some issues with Meta, since he is made up of shadows..


    • Has multiple personalities that come with their own strengths to cover all basis
    • Intelligent
    • Cunning/Sneaking around undetected


    • Easily influenced by her other personalities
    • Anger issues
    • Rarely works together with her other personalities


    MetaNoia as a whole, has one main aspiration. They want to cause as much mischief and mayhem as possible. They love causing chaos and enjoys leading on her pursuers. Aside from this, MetaNoia's first personality has a goal of her own. As the original, she finds herself constantly being pushed back, subdued by her other personalities. She fears losing herself one day, so she just wants to find a way to either separate herself from her alter egos or become stronger, to overcome them and take back her life.


    • The dark
    • Heights
    • Losing herself


    • Blames things on her other personalities
    • Often very cryptic with her words
    • Talks to herself


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Cryptically/Vague
    • COMMON STARTER "Hey, how's it going? What's it to you?"
    • SWEARS? Constantly
    • QUIRKS Interrupts herself when talking with others
  • Species

    [ Morphian ] The Morphian species are creatures of Arcturus, and come in all different colours, shapes, and sizes, with different abilities and looks. There are a few things always remain the same, however. The species are born as separate beings, a four-legged creature and a human. The two halves, while not actually connected by blood, are fated to meet at some point in their lives, no matter the distance. They share a distant bond, almost like they are twins, bound to be together. The animal side search their whole lives for their other half, feeling like a piece is missing. If they happen to find them in the end, they become one, merged into the same being, connected, yet never completely linked to one another. It is due to this, that if one dies, the other continues to live, even if they're already merged. They never feel complete without their other half though, and a great sadness washes over them if the other dies, even if they had yet to meet. Since the species is a merged being, their true age is hard to pinpoint, and the Morphian have a great deal of mystery surrounding them. Few know how they are even created, let alone what their goal and purpose is.


    [ Morphian Darshire ] There are two main subspecies of Morphian. The Morphian Darshire is the legendary third. It is a creature, much like all Morphian, born as two separate halves, one a four-legged animal-like creature and the other, human. These beings lie between light and dark. The dreams from the human's side, and the abilities of the Morphian, are what links the two together. It is a known fact that the magic it possesses somehow relates to what the human wishes were real. After the two merge, the human begins to develop such abilities, making their dreams a reality. The Darekian subspecies is unique and extremely rare, like one in one million since this creature is not just made up of two halves, but three, one human and two Morphian, a Darekain and a Darshire. Little is known about this subspecies, but it is believed that they have a habit for being mentally insane..


    MetaNoia has two main elements. Their dark side has the power to drive people insane using their fears, all they need is to take a look within their opponents’ eyes. He goes inside their mind to make them see things, things they never wish to come into contact with. Their light side can teleport via light and only light. They can also turn invisible, using the light to divert others sight around them, thus, turning themselves invisible. They also have the unique ability to traps people within light, as if time around them comes to a complete standstill. When the two sides work together, which is hardly ever, they can contort time and space itself. Their multiple personalities also come with skills unique to them. One knows the quickest, cleanest ways to kill people. Another can crack safes, pick locks and even build high tech things and another one has advanced knowledge on plants, poisons and potions.

  • History

    MetaNoia used to be just an ordinary girl, or at least that was how she appeared. She grew up in California, Planet Earth, living as an only child with her mother. She never knew her father, as he abandoned them when she was just a few years old. Before she came into contact with Arcturus and the Morphian, she already had personality issues where she would have arguments with herself. She was never really established as crazy, since no one paid attention to her when she would talk to herself. One day, however, she killed someone and her excuse was that the voice in her head made her do it. This resulted in her mother wanting nothing to do with her and people attempting to lock her away to lock her away in an institution. She was trapped there for years, but managed to escape using the knowledge and skills her alter ego seemed to know. After leaving the building, she had nowhere to run and they were close behind. In a desperate attempt to hide, she ended up falling into a lake. When she emerged from the water, she realized she was no longer in California. The sky was painted red and the grass turned black. It was like nothing she had ever seen before. This was how she ended up on a completely different world, Arcturus. She began walking, cold and wet. As snow began to fall, she met them. Two Morphian stood before her, one female and one male, one light and one dark. When she merged with them, she gained all of their personalities and went with their names, Meta and Noia, instead of her real name. They supposedly live in The Snowy Mountains on Arcturus, but are known to travel a lot, causing mischief and mayhem wherever they go.


    MetaNoia used to be just an ordinary girl, or at least that was how she appeared. She grew up in California, Planet Earth, living as an only child with her mother. They resided in a quaint little house, yet struggled financially every day. Their life was completely free of anything supernatural, as the supernatural did not exist in the realm she was residing in. Instead, magic and all things paranormal were just things made up by the human mind. This changed, however, when she killed someone in the name of her alter ego and got sent to the mental institution. She later escaped and somehow ended up on Arcturus.

    Current Residence

    These days, it is rumoured that MetaNoia lives in The Snowy Mountains on Arcturus. These mountains are located on the Island of Spirits and are believed to expel all evil the moment it gets close enough to feel the cold and see the snow. Some say the volcano here, Mount Divinity, has something to do with it, as it holds a strange and powerful magic deep within its core, magic believed to have come from the goddess herself, Divinity. MetaNoia is known to travel a lot, however, causing mischief and mayhem wherever they go. Since they are rarely at The Snowy Mountains, people wonder whether they actually live here or go here for other purposes.

  • Ancestry

    • Her human side has ancestors who originated from Canada long ago
    • From her Morphian's side, their ancestors lived in caves most of their lives
    • Just before they were born, their ancestors moved to the opposite end of Spirit Island, as they liked the cold mountains more.


    • Her real name
    • Her true power and the skills she possesses
    • The secret to how she always managed to escape when cornered or caught


    • She has a total of six different personalities, each with their own skills and knowledge.
    • Has the voice of a boy but the body of a girl, which is the result of her having two Morphian inside of her
    • Her wings emit a dark mist/shadow