Loony Lun



3 years, 5 months ago


Humanoid×Bubble×Jellbian×Multicolor Rare×Extra Features×Strong-Skinned×Luns Rebellion×

Type? Humanoid Bubble
Skin Type?Strong-Skinned
Rarity? Single-Color Common
Wax Colors?Blue
Shell Colors?No
age/birth/death · organization · occupation

More species information here. River/Lake/Volcano? Above/Underground? Lodge? Planet & Continent? Liquid-Line?


"Get ready to UP! THE! IRONS!"


NAME Lunari Blackburn X-4

SPECIES Jellbian - Bubble

AGE 28

BIRTHDAY December 16, 1992


ALIGNMENT Chaotic Good



THEME - Chippin' In









Reference Sheet || Species Founder/Owner || N/A


Lun's a rebel at heart, but a good one. On stage, she seems to be the idol to many eyes, always smiling, always rocking on as if not a care in the many worlds! At the backstage however, when it comes to organizing rebellions and filling in her own contracts for whoever needs a little more..."security", Lunari becomes serious. All part of the job right? Will go more into that.

Outside of her works, she's as loyal as a friend could be! Always sticking out for each other and loves to do payback for whoever's going to mess with her friends. She's a true riot, a maniac, always inspirational and always giving her 110%!


All kinds of music
Rebellions against evil
A certain "idiot"...


Putting Luna in danger
Standing around for nothing
Harming random innocents for evil intentions


Long Story Short

"I'm nothin' special, just another troublesome brat who wants make some chaos! Wanna join?" (Lunari gathers folks to rise against evils in any world! Bit of a drifter like many musicians.)

Biological Codex

Lunari's classfied as a Multicolored-Rare Jellbian with light grey liquid and yellow wax; lavalamp-like folk. She's born in Jellbi world and continent of Riftrend, a place that's like "Japantown" and has cyberpunk cities with a lighter tone and vibe. Lun originates from the lava within a cave (according to Jellbian lore) which makes her a strong-skinned Jellu with thicker glass-like body. She's seconds older than her twin sister Luna.

The Long Story

"Back then, I used to jus' make music for the people. Nothin' much. But then one of my friends got in deep crud, right? I went to help. After that, it was a whole 'nother rabbit hole of messed up deals and contracts... People being treated as property than as actual living beings. Friend found dirt on dangerous political figures. I swore those, even our own, had relations to those Amibians. I don't hate all of them in general, jus' that most of them "Goops" aren't exactly kind. Thing was though, no one was willing to do anything. A revelation came to me, said could gather people, inspire them in helping them do the right things for others and themselves. So that's what I use my fame for."

Her Other "Job"

"I figured if I can gather people, that'd mean I could bring unwanted attention to myself too. So I trained, picked up a gun, and held on that same gun ever since. As a side job, I get paid for...the extra "protection" my clients want. I did too good of a job and being anonymous with a little splash of this and that persona, I get to not only have the money to supply my..."organization", but also tear some crap up on those corrupted folks. Damn, still wished that one job didn't go so sour."

RELATIONSHIPS (look into links for more info)

Luna / Lunaris Relationship: Inseparable

"She's my twin sister! She, um, usually kept me in line when I take things too far. I'm not the type to go so far and we get along real well! Thanks to her, I kept my head, kept me goin', and we're always protectin' each other's backs. Never again will I go that far without any backup and help. Other than that, we're one helluva team. You want us to fight, distract, misdirect? MAYBE we will take that offer. We do a damn good job though, that's for sure."

Jeff Griffin Relationship: Trusting

"He said he wanted an 'interview' and opinions on him, so here goes nothin'? To put it out there, people assume I hate any Ferrofluid and Amibian, not true, I take all the help I can get and welcome 'em. Mr. Griffin? Frankly, I find him sorta funny! His ties alone make me laugh, jus' where does he get those? He's also useful for my 'occupations', I think this can work out real well!"

Aero / Aerodyne Relationship: Secret

"Oh, h-him? He's jus' an idiot."

Ruby Relationship: Friend

"A gal like her, whooie, would they ever be lucky if they managed to catch a rose like her! I find it funny that we're literally casting some...'interesting' glances from other peeps in a special way - what we both do, let's just say it fits our resumes perfectly~."

Starlia Relationship: Close Friend

"Ah, an ex-ruler who wanted to 'do more than just sit around' she once said, or somethin' like that. We've had few conversations together with other friends. Apparently we both lost someone close to the Amibian Empire... She's lot more 'strict' against other Amibians even if they aren't enemies, but I can understand. Not the first time an Amibian or Ferrofluid of our own group turned on us- definitely won't be the last time either. Other than that, yeah, I consider her to be a friend too!"

Maria Relationship: Close Friend

"One of the sweetest and kindest, oh OH! And definitely the coolest with her wolf vibe going on! Funny but very usual story of how I meet most people - I was makin' arts on walls and wanted her to join because why not? The more the merrier! Even funnier was that she's a Protector of the city so, uh, of course I BAILED FOR IT HAHA! But yeah, I'm... actually really surprised and glad she joined us. I honestly thought she wouldn't, thought she'd disapprove of what I had to do - but she understood. It really does mean a lot to me."

"Gela" Relationship: UNKNOWN

"How do you know about her? Whatever. She's just a really close friend. We, uh, parted...ways..."


  • "I hope your not mistakin' me for my twin sis!"
  • Did you know? She adores food regardless of the fact she doesn't need to eat.
  • "I hate having to owe poeple y'know?"
  • (Pulls out her custom, break-action revolver*) "You really wanna talk to my Firefly? Trust me, she's a loud one."
  • Her voice may or may not sound like Red from Transistor aka Ashley Barrett.
  • (Revealed in RP) Her hand under the equipable silver gauntlet bears a certain mark of a shattered emblem...
  • (Revealed in RP) Her best friend's name went by "Gelato".
  • (Revealed in RP) Lun once flipped over an entire table with her horns by accident-

code by icecreampizzer
photo credits: art(N/A) || credit(N/A) || credit(N/A)