
3 years, 5 months ago



• quiet • baby • creepy •

Finnegan Cat is a beloved side character from "The Marvelous Adventures of Doris Mouse!", known for his coy and mischevious nature. In 1984, a brief resurgence of popularity in anthropomorphic animal cartoons brought Doris Mouse and Friends to life. A young man and close friend who had been big fans of the show as chidlren decided to audition to play the mascots in the short lived theme park- too late to realize that this career path would lead them to horror.

"Finnegan" was a friendly guy, good in school, and going far in life. That all changed after he took the role of the beloved cat near the end of highschool. Things went well at first, until fatigue and soreness took hold of the boy as he played the character, his fellow cast members suffering similar ailments. Their conditions all simultaniously seemed to worsen, until the higher ups finally brought the crew to a facility beneath the park, revealing a dark truth of their time as mascots; being drugged. Being threatened by the men in lab coats, the crew would fall victim to tests with a substance meant to increase the performance of the human body. It didn't take long for people to grow suspicious of the group behind the experiments, and in their panic, gathered the group together and locking them all within the laboratory to save face.

One by one the cast members fell, some from starvation, some from the side effect of whatever their bodies had been pumped with- all but Finnegan, who could be called a successful subject of their tests. Nearly 40 years later in 2020, a urban explorer investigating the remains of the abandoned park would discover the secret bunker, and Finnegan, alive and alone, nearly rotted and fused into his suit.