Elvis Carcha



3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Elvis Carcha




Forties (looks like he's in his thirties)

Theme Song

Spring Break 1899 // Murder by Death [ https://youtu.be/LD0dxxCcM5E ]


Elvis is a forty-something year old vampire bartender who lives in the pseudo-American south. Growing up in a small town with a lot of Young Man Anger, Elvis eventually struck out on his own, backpacking across Europe with his soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend. Somewhere in Europe they both were turned into vampires, and they broke up shortly after. Elvis eventually returned to America where he ekes out a humble and quiet life tending bar. 

As a vampire, Elvis needs to feed on flesh and blood, and can eat or drink nothing else. While he can subsist somewhat on animals, humans provide the most nutrition for him. Fresh. He tends to keep "hunting trips" outside of where he lives, though if a rude out-of-towner comes through his bar making the other patrons uncomfortable they might not make it home that night. 


Elvis is a charismatic, charming, and well-adjusted individual. Particularly for someone who needs to murder to live. He's someone who's done a lot of thinking and growing and is the kind of guy who'll offer you advice with your beer. He's been a vampire for a little over a decade, and he's really only just coming to terms with his immortality. Suddenly he's noticing things like his friends getting a little older while he stays the same. It's one of the few things that makes him genuinely uncomfortable. He's trying very hard not to think about it.

As a "monster", he can be somewhat territorial. He's learned to exist as a killer quietly, and other monsters coming in his town and making a mess of things can set him off. He can be an excellent teacher though, if you're not TOO combative. He'll teach ya how to make a quiet little killing.

Despite everything, he's got something of a hair trigger for excitement, blood and violence DOES get him going, and he's made his peace with the kind of life he's found himself in.


As a vampire, Elvis can only be killed by direct sunlight or a wooden stake through the heart. He's fairly skilled at the physical abilities a vampire can hold (transforming into a bat or a wolf, manifesting claws and fangs) but not so good at the mental abilities (hypnosis, etc). He tends to become more bestial when excited, and has a much larger monstrous bat-form.

He's also quite strong in his own right, and has a high amount of skills related to hunting- such as proficiency with guns/knives, knowledge about tracking prey, and skinning and preparing once you've caught or killed your prey.

He's also a mildly skilled guitarist, a hobbyist woodworker, and a B+ bartender. He has a lot of hobbies.


Elvis's partner Wren Locksley is an escaped science experiment gone wrong, she's a girl full of demons with a hankering for violence and excitement (and one HELL of a healing factor). 

The two's relationship started hot and heavy with the two playing into each other's need for blood and both being surprised when the other one didn't die. When this paired with Elvis's desire to care for a fellow monster and Wren's response to an outside person genuinely caring for her, the two have developed a tender/loving relationship. They care for each other, they love each other, they kill for and with each other. Who says romance is dead? (well I guess It's UNDEAD).