šŸ’¢ UNI šŸ”Ŗ



3 years, 5 months ago


info - about
Nickname(s) N/A
Species Human
Age In her 20's
Pronouns She/They
Orientation Bisexual
Birthday Feb 28th
Playlist/Board Playlist and Board

Uni is by far, the most apprehensive member of Masky Corp. Seemingly hot-headed, brash, and sarcastic, she seems to hate the damn place, stating she was dragged into it by her sister, Yuni. Although, despite her angry disposition at first glance, she loves and cherishes everyone at Masky Corp. Underneath her scowling she can be loyal, empathetic, and generous. She is more than willing to stand up for the people she loves most and acts as a guardian/older sister figure, especially to a lot of the younger members.

Drunk Walk Home - Mitski
docx - story
CONTENT WARNING: In depth discussion of child and physical abuse

Many people who knew Uni as a child will question her now ā€œoff puttingā€ initial personality, mainly because when she was younger Uni was mostly quiet, inexpressive, and docile. As a kid she was very moveable and sort of allowed things to happen around her without saying anything. Being the favorite of her parents (for reasons that will be elaborated on later) she initially didnā€™t know the real impact of Yuniā€™s (or her own) abuse, having been told if she questioned it she would ā€œend up like herā€. As she aged, this began to change.

Eventually, as she grew older, Uni became closer to and more defensive of Yuni, slowly realizing the bad situation she was in. As a result she became much less docile and much more hostile to those out to get Yuni and her, and more disobedient to her parents, which they obviously did not like. Uniā€™s parentā€™s became more aggressive to her as a result, leading to her to become more defensive not only to protect herself, but also Yuni. Uni harbors a lot of guilt for not doing something to help Yuni sooner and watching her go through so many horrible things while going off ā€œscot-freeā€. Yuni disagrees on this and assures her that well, she was also being abused, and that responsibility shouldnā€™t be placed on her because she herself didnā€™t even know what was happening at the time until they got older.


Again, although Uniā€™s abuse wasnā€™t as ā€œintenseā€ as Yuniā€™s was, she was still held to insane standards by her parents, especially because she was the only one of the two twins who could use magic. She went through rigorous studying, training, and was limited from having ā€œunacceptableā€ social interactions with others, as a result a lot of Uniā€™s social behavior was pretty stunted at a young age because guess what, not getting to talk to other kids normally usually ends really badly for a developing child. This and her parents' general bad behavior generated a lot of distrust in others and lack of a desire to bond with other people. This and her other ā€œangryā€ behaviors intensified once Uni reached adulthood, which is why such a drastic change has occurred.

As previously mentioned, Uni is the only of the two twins that has capabilities of magic. Although humans donā€™t typically have the ability to use magic, Uniā€™s family is a special case. Having her descendants originate from Norway, after being taken in by rifts her family met with and interacted with a certain species of magical equines, and after gaining said species favor had their bloodlines gifted with the ability to cast the species magic. Now, you may be wondering what sort of species would Uniā€™s family be associated withā€¦wellā€¦the answer leaves her very, VERY embarrassed to say the least. Uniā€™s family name (Magique) derives fromā€¦Unicorns. Yep. This leads to, so, SO many jokes especially from Luci and Masky about her getting her powers from a UNICORN of all things and it actually drives her crazy. And yes she is oh so tired from having to endure ā€œhow hungryā€ jokes every, single, day, someone please give her a break enough is enough.

Continuing on, although Uniā€™s parents tried to maximize her abilities for their own gain (for le profit and le family name because of course), eventually after Yuni was accepted into a very prestigious college she and Yuni decided to attempt to move out. Their parents were not very happy with this decision. This resulted in a very large fight where Uni and Yuniā€™s parents injured Uniā€™s eye severely, leading to Uniā€™s bandages around her eyes. Although luckily the injury didnā€™t blind her or cause any long lasting damage, it is still recovering at the time Masky Corp takes place, hence again the bandages over her eye. Despite Uni and Yuni getting away, shortly after Yuniā€™s ā€œbest friendā€, Emi, decided to try to kill her! So yay! Two traumatic events in one fell swoop for both parties!

Obviously, Uni became EXTREMELY on guard after both of these events, so they werenā€™t the happiest when Yuni suddenly fell straight into joining Masky Corp. Not feeling as if Yuni would be safe without her being at least there to keep watch and make sure nothing suspicious was going on, she joined Masky Corp with her. Although she puts the front that she wishes she hadnā€™t, as said initially she does LOVE everyone at Masky Corp and bonds with them as time goes on, even with her initial suspicions at first. In fact, it became very surprising that despite being the member she was MOST suspicious of, she became incredibly close with Masky.

They ended up bonding a lot over shared experiences with protecting their sisters, their parents, and such. Uni was actually the first person Masky really opened up to about Razz, although not in full name dropping detail. They become very close as a resultā€¦perhaps a bit TOO close for regular friendsā€¦(insert the ā€œI know what you areā€ dog). Sheā€™s also (obviously) close with Yuni, and is also close with Finn. Overall, despite her headstrong appearance at first glance, Uni will go to the ends of the earth for the people she loves, she is a jerk with a heart of gold as they say, and despite her bickering with some of the other members, deep down they all love her back equally as much.

Info - trivia

Yuni is based off an old version of her, I eventually made this version into Uni's twin, thus creating Yuni.

She is interested in fighting eqsue sports (wrestling, boxing, etc)

Her name is pronounced UU-Ni, like (uni)versity) (in comparison to her sister who's name is pronounced Oo-Ni, like f-oo-d)

Yes, her name did originate from "Unicorn"...awkward

Her favorite animals are, unfortunately, horses.

gallery - aesthetic