The Neighbor



7 years, 22 days ago


-4/10/17, though the concept's been around for much longer
-Has a sense of immense power and doom about him, almost as if he's attached to an ancient prophesy or something
-Lives on the Dragon City, but has a perfectly normal house with a perfectly normal lawn. Due to possibly being the cause of the apocalypse, he's carefully gone through the trouble to magically anchor anything in his house to his house. While he did this, the Dragon City had not yet emerged. When it did, it took his house with it, which was unaffected by damage due to the spells.
-A good portion of his spare time is spent cleaning or watching for things to get the slightest bit dirty so he has an excuse to clean again
-Eats only cookies and drinks only lemonade. How he survives off this alone is unknown
-Consumes dozens of pills a day
-Very organized. Most of his time is carefully thought out
-Pantry is very neatly sorted into plastic bin drawers to hold each type of cookie. They're all labeled with note cards and small, neat handwriting
-Possibly was cursed by many a deity, including Naku, and intended to die, but did not. Now they all regret their choices and death himself fears this man
-Seems to absolutely despise Avian's kids and will hiss and screech at them whenever he sees them, freezing up and/or shaking wildly
-Has a wide array of markers because it pleases him to have so many colors. He only uses about four of them, though, to mark on his calendar when people will come to his door. Although he debates it greatly each time, he still uses the same colors per person.
-Cookies, lemonade, and other items are constantly placed at his door to keep him appeased. This keeps him in his house longer, which everyone is pretty sure is for the best
-Sees four people all the time: a demon girl scout, a kid across the street that sets up a lemonade stand to lure him out, a guy who brings him his pills, and somebody who delivers coloring books. The girl has oddly bonded with him in a way no living being ever has. The two are quite pleasant with each other. Lemonade kid, on the other hand, just seems to make something that he really really likes and has to crawl out of his house for.
-Very skittish and absolutely consumed deep in the dark reaches of madness
-Doesn't speak. He only stares at people soundlessly
-Leaves his house at noon every Wednesday and returns later that day with large amounts of money or other things he may need. No one ever sees where he goes on these outings.
-Likes to sit on benches and will sometimes wander into town to sit on one, scaring everyone. Before his house was lifted, he quite enjoyed talking walks through parks and sitting on benches. In fact, he has a bench swing mounted on his porch.
-Seems to be able to sense when something is off in or around his house. Because of this, he is exactly aware when Avian's kids have come to torment him
-Only takes baths or bubble baths - shower goes unused.
-Has a very large, ever growing stack of completed coloring books that he's pretty proud of
-Death sometimes peers in his house, fantasizing about how he'll be brave enough to kill him one day.... He will creep soundlessly around his house during this time, perfectly avoiding Naku's gaze as he wishes or sneaking up on him to smack him in the face with a flyswatter
-Walks either bipedal or on his arms and legs. Has long arms tipped with bladed hands that can be separated into fingers at will
-Dangerously thin looking, yet alive...?
-Doesn't really use electronics or anything most of the time
-Has a lot of extra time on his hands. He may just sit in silence during this or repeat some of his other few tasks. On delivery days, he'll excitedly and anxiously bounce around until he hears a knock on the door.
-While he mostly gets his cookies elsewhere, he can cook his own and they're typically pretty amazing
-Not known to have a name