

Multiveral Time Detective


"Time tells all mysteries, I like to help speed up the process."

NAME Daxter Steel
AGE Data Lost
OCCUPATION Multiveral Time Traveler & Detective
DESIGNER quantuumshifter

An Immortal detective with the abilities to travel the multiverse and other time periods, orgianlly a human before traveling to Mobius Dax gained a Hedgehog form.



Dax generally has a relaxed demeanor, that he uses to highlight his optimistic & quirky side. He's very animated and bouncy when he’s expressing himself, it makes his sudden shifts in his posture & body language noticeable from his laid-back and goofy side, to his sometimes unreadable seriousness. He’s prone to get into trouble and gets sucked in even when he’s just watching. He’s intelligent but can be slow on the intake, he acts like a massive dork when he doesn’t know something, it drives his curiosity wild and he loves it, making mysteries and puzzles his favorite pastime.

Dax puts others before himself usually getting himself hurt in the process. He’s very kind towards children, he treats them with respect often listening seriously to when they act seriously.

He uses a cocky attitude and jokes as a coping mechanism to keep himself out of his head, so he often jokes at wrong times. He keeps to himself more than he should be. He is easy to snap in anger when overly pressured and cornered. He’s slow to trust people, making him very skeptical/suspicious of everyone around him even if he doesn’t act like it.


  • Mysteries/Puzzles.
  • Green Tea with mint.
  • Time Traveling.
  • Hot Chocolate.
  • Jokes & puns.


  • Selfish Jerks.
  • Coffee.
  • Raspbarries.
  • Clichés.
  • Tornados.




  • Mach 12 Super-speed.
  • Boxing training.
  • Time & Multiversal Travel.
  • Red-Belt level Karate.
  • Eidetic memory.


  • Wrist mounted Supercomputer.
  • Micro/Nanobot clothing.
  • Holograhpic Display Shades.
  • Hard-Light Constructs.


It first started when he was 16 and human, he was enrolled in an academy for the agency of temporal error prevention and correction, or time cops as most first years called it. The academy wasn’t publicly known yet it wouldn’t be for decades, but Dax's step-father had friends in the academy staff, after ceremony the dean gave the usual speech and welcomed everyone and called out students' classes. Dax spent his free time either reading mysteries or fixing old temporal equipment. A year After that, he began keep a journal as an exercise in keeping history.


There was an accident... Waking up I was in a barren stretch of land. I wandered for hours with no way back, I was forced to set up camp for the night, I wandered for 2 more days until I saw a man covered head to toe in wraps to avoid the heat of the sun. I called out to him. Turning toward me, he seemed excited running up to me almost grabbing me by the shoulders but reeled back quickly last second.

His voice was muffled and hard to understand along with what he said sounding crazy. A few things I managed to hear in his muffled muttering was something about being 'nervious about it being his turn,' and how 'its more complicated having to copy what he remembers.' I chalked it up to heat stroke and ignored it, after a minute he gave me food and water then pointed me the way I was already moving, his words and actions confused me but what made me curious was the sense of familiarity he gave off. I couldn’t put my finger on it, he started to walk away before I could ask questions.

He continued walking out of sight before I could even understand what he said. ‘A barren universe.’ I was too exhausted to even fully process, I made it to the outpost after a few hours and exactly as the man said, there was an abandoned machince and enough materials to repair and leave that hellscape. Once I returned I was put in recovery for two weeks, the dean came to visit me a few times during my recovery, we had already talked a few times before we had a mentor-student relationship, his name was Salvador Hope or Sal, but I always called him good ol Sally Gloom since he was often pessimistic, he always wore red sunglasses even indoors which was weird but I found it hilarious. He was like another father to me, knowing when to push me and when to back off, unlike my step-father. who I got along with but we never clicked. We'd often had lunch together where we would talk about mysteries the dynamics of time travel, and even talked about the possibility of other universes, a funny irony after this.


4 months after his brief stay in another universe he was picked to take part in a very selective test, most people called ‘The Potential Gauge.’ point of the test is to view a candidate’s future and help teach and fast track them to the result, the results vary wildly among people some are seen in high commands or positions. Some would have the worst result being left on the streets to be considered insane. But then there are rare instances where someone’s future is blank or unreadable which means their ‘Potential’ is in flux and can be molded to be anything, some people believe it means theres unlimited potential, could even become a god. But that's not the case, the dean has stated, 'it can mean a lot of things. For example, you could be a pawn in someone's game of chess or someone who just doesn't make an impact. It’s kinda like wild cards, they can be used in almost any way, but it just depends on the rules of the game.

After undergoing the test Dax's results were blank, unreadable, moldable, which made him happy, it meant to him he doesn’t have certain expectations to live up to.the future is what he makes of it.


There’s a gap in my memory, from what people tell me it was two weeks, and going through my journal nothing... I was so oblivious... I’ve gone back to my studies but I feel different. My focus and concentration have increased, and my memory has become clearer, sharper, overall mentally I feel different, I’ve been excelling from 6-7th in my classes to 2nd, not even pushing for the top.

Last thing i remember was being called in to talk to a group of professors for advice and guidence on what I wanted to do with my future, they called me ‘Special’ interest, and kept saying ‘we have some advice and ideas perfect for your interests.’ I was uneasy and now after the qap I have a sinking feeling.


A week after turning 18 Dax finally learned what happened to him in his lost two weeks, they subjected him to experiments. Pumped him full of drug and chemical cocktails, and strange form of energy. Their experiments failed and cut mdax loose leaving him barely surviving, they decided to continue like normal. But in reality, there were side affects. limiting myself to stay decent in his class fearing he‘d draw suspicion and being accused of cheating. But with everything he began thinking about leaving Halfway through that next semester.

After taking a lot of thought Dax chose to leave. The Dean, Sal, tried to keep him from leaving but he knew Dax wouldn’t listen, so instead as a parting gift he gave Dax his sunglasses as a memento. Before leaving his office Dax revealed the professors actions, and how it wasn’t the first time. Sal was shocked but assured that it would be investigated which meant he wouldn’t rest until he got answers, after that Dax convinced me to stay an extra night too properly send him off. The next morning after greeting and explaining all the goodbyes, Dax Walked through the courtyard passing by Sal at the central fountain, on the way out they waved to each other, Walking up to the front gate suddenly a loud noise, followed by a massive shockwave knocking people to the ground, getting up he turned around to see a crater where the fountain was and Sal across the courtyard badly injured, running up to him and clutched him speaking one last time.

Sal cautioned him on staying but Dax ignored him trying to stablize him and yell for help until Sal words to him reached him. "Don't waste your potential on me Bucko... I can't let you stay, You're like a son to me, so go before they have a chance to catch you." Sal used the last of his physical strength to push himself away. "Please son run." Dax stayed silent giving a final last bitter smile to Sal before forcing himself to leave.


It's been a very long time since I made an entry, ever since the academy I didn’t look back I hopping from time to time, I even later figured out how to go to other universes at will, well after a long cooldown a week or two between jumps, so I tend to use it sparingly. I had met someone who helped me but she's gone now too... I-It's been hard, but I've been carrying on. She was a seamstress she often fixed my clothes after some crazy adventures, after a while I just went there to see her, she was a constant In my life. It was awkward at first because I was secretive about why my clothes kept getting torn up. How do you explain 'Oh it got ripped by dinosuars or aliens from another dimension!' crazy things like that.

It went on for a year she even made me a new outfit has a test they are so comfortable I still charish and wear it to this day but its also a reminder of my regrets... My past caught up to me, the day she was gonna give it to me my old professors kidnapped and experimented on her, all because she was connected to me... That day I also learned what they did to me they made me immortal I don't age a one in a million chance they were looking for but they don't know it worked. How do i know it worked? I'm writing this over 100 years from that day.

To explain, physically I still look and feel 23 the only change is my iris' mutated visibly, they have a pie slice shape missing similar to how old fashioned cartoons draw them. Mentally however I've done and seen so much and slowly am learning more about myself I just don't know the extent of this which does scare me...


Many centuries later Dax would visit an interesting universe and a planet called Mobius, On this planet were birghtly colored anthropomorphic animals living alongside humans, Dax would find himself transformed into a hedgehog.

Moments after he stepped foot in this universe he met a very stubborn chipmunk woman and from that point would begin a whole new set of adventures.



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Vocal SAmples

Voice: Justin-CATHERINE/Singing: Lucifer-Lucifer