


7 years, 1 month ago
XKSilver Rascal4488



Name Kujo
Age Young Adult
Gender Male
Sexuality Bisexual
Relationship Status Taken by Iridessa ('s oc)
Species Humanoid, Mythical kind with magic abilities



Noriyaki ( "Father" | Caretaker )
Being very torn up about his elder son Lucian leaving the life he set up for him, Noriyaki was extremely hard on his younger son Kujo. He forced him to live life like HE wanted Kujo to live, in which Kujo obediently in order to appease Noriyaki. However once he met his soulmate Iridessa, Kujo was able to break free from Noriyak's control and live his own life, changing his identiy completely. Kujo is unable to call him Father to this day.


TBN ( Mother | Caretaker )


Lucio ( Older Brother )
Lucian left their parents when Kujo was too young to remember him, so they never had a brotherly bond of sorts. He meets up with Kujo later on in life and eventually recognized him as his little brother. He told him about how their father was before and was unaware of how he had treated Kujo after he left. Lucian feels guilty about it, so he vowed to never leave his brother alone like that again.


Iridessa ( Girlfriend | Soulmate )
Iridessa, more affectionately known as Iri, met Kujo by a chance encounter. Kujo thought she was super beautiful, but was too afraid to talk to her until Iri noticed him constantly looking at her. After talking to him for a while, Iri learned that Kujo grew up in a similar situation as her, being controlled by someone. They bonded over this and helped eachother through their emotional baggage with that. Iri's brash loud nature and Kujo's quiet calm demenor seems to work farily well together too, though can be conflicting with eachother at times leading to small fights. They make up and move on quickly though, choosing to rather laugh it off than be angry about it. They are pretty inseperable now having dated for quite a while.

Reference Sheet


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