Zhōu Mènglín 周梦麟



Full Name 名字: Zhōu Mènglín 周梦麟
Nickname 绰号别号: Zhōu Tàigōng 周太公, Zhōu Shīfù 周师父, Jìnghuā Zūn 净花尊, Xuánzōng Zàishì 玄宗再世
Age 年龄: 32, born on 13 June
Height 高度: 172 cm, or 5’8
Gender 性别: Male
Orientation 性倾向: Pansexual

Personality 性格:

History 来历:

Likes 喜好: Chinese Opera 戏曲, Chinese Percussion 打击乐, Opera Masks 脸谱, Eighteen Arms of Wushu 十八般武艺, Folding Fans 折扇
Dislikes 厌恶: His Feminine Features 自己精致的五官, Removing His Mask 脱下面具, Acting Dan Roles in Opera 演旦, Fainthearted People 半途而废的人
Hobbies 爱好: Acting Jing and Sheng Roles in Opera 演净演生, Face-Changing 变脸, Weapon Dance 武舞, Collecting Weapons & Props 收集武器道具
Favourite Food 爱吃: Sichuan Cuisine 川菜, Mala 麻辣, Soothing Herbal Soups 护嗓润喉汤
Favourite Drink 爱喝: Chrysanthemum Tea 菊花茶