
3 years, 6 months ago


Name: Iris

Gender: Non-binary

Pronouns: They/Them

Age: 6 Dragon years, approximately 22 human years

Sexuality: Pansexual

Likes: Bright Colors, Parties (especially raves), potion-making (only with Truffle), Truffle

Dislikes: Getting leaves in their tail (and basically most things on the forest floor), running out of dye

Personality: Iris acts confident and cocky, but is actually a big softie and a sweetheart thats afraid of ruining their friendships. They enjoy being loud and outgoing, attending parties and raves where they gets to do just that. If another dragon is down in the dumps, Iris will be the first to try and cheer them up. When Iris is with their close friends, they will let their walls down and show their more vulnerable side that most strangers do not get to see.


- Iris naturally does not have any colors, except for the freckles around their body. A majority of their scales are naturally darker in color, and the freckles are the small reflective scales along their body. However, their darker scales are naturally capable of holding dyes, so when they discovered this they began to dye these colorful streaks along their neck and wings. These scales will hold dye for up to year, making it so they rarely have to touch up. As they got older, the patterns got more refined in order to appear more natural. 

- They have control over their tail, but it is limited. The actual tail underneath all the fur is very thin and has limited muscle movement, and is very sensitive. They have so much fur growing along their tail that they just keep it tied up in braids, unless they are taking it out to dye it on occasion. Their fur does not hold colors as well as their scales, so they do not dye it as often.


   When Iris was a young dragonlet, they left home due to their parents constantly putting them down, belittling thier choices, behavior, and the blatant homophobia they threw at them. Their parents constantly tried to put them in a box and control their every action before Iris finally had enough and left. They grew up traveling and exploring, discovering the wonders of dye and parties, and learned more about themselves than they ever would have if they stayed home. Iris left home around one year old, and travelled for four years before making their way through a large forest they had come across. 

    While Iris was traveling through the forest, they came across a bustling village deep in the center, and stayed there for a few days to stock up on supplies. They were not particularly fond of the forest, as they kept on having to pull twigs and leaves and other debris from their fur, but when they met Truffle buying herbs in a shop in town one day, things suddenly changed. Iris found themself wanting to be freinds with her, wanting to get to know her and just be close to her, and decided for the first time to settle down somewhere. They grew remarkably close to Truffle, realizing pretty quickly that they had a massive crush on her, and found themselves truly happy for the first time in their life. 

    Iris bought themself a vacant building in the town and started a club with their apartment up top, and pretty quickly became one of the hot spots in town, especially for recently matured dragons and travelers. They throw parties there quite often, still loving the party life that they had before, and are friendly with everyone in the village. However, they are still closest to Truffle, and while scared to say their real feelings out loud, they still try subtle ways of showing their feelings for her. They learned potion-making along side her and uses it to make unique drinks at their club, and goes to her when they need help either dyeing their tail or scales, or when they are panicking about a twig that they cannot get out of their tail. Often times they will simply make up an excuse just to go see her on days that they are not busy with the club or the now rare times that they are traveling. 

Extra Facts

- Iris realized they were non-binary from a young age when they grew uncomfortable with their parents using she/her pronouns and did not care for he/him pronouns either. They felt most comfortable with they/them, and is patient when correcting other dragons about their pronouns. During their travels, they also discovered that they were Pansexual, not having any preference towards who they had feelings for. 

- Their dye patterns have gotten more refined as they've gotten older, and most recently attempted to mimic chameleon patterns. They weren't quite exact but also love the look they have. 

- Their eyes are a collage of colors, and glow under their club lights, giving them an especially eerie look to those at the club. 

-Iris got their tongue pierced right after leaving home to signify the start of their new, free life. They have a couple of different piercings they could switch to, but mostly stick with their simple bar piercing. Iris is now covered in piercings, and is especially fond of ones that attach between their ears.

-Iris doesn’t let most dragons know unless they are close, but they have major trauma and ptsd from when they were living with their parents, and now have issues with dragons that try to make them “normal”. They very rarely experience this, but there have been times where panic attacks hit them because they start thinking that their parents are going to come find them and force them back into a box. These are only brought on if someone with those same ideals as Iris’s parents try to force them upon Iris, and they begin spiraling.

-Iris is constantly worried that their boisterous personality will drive their friends, and especially Truffle, away, and often asks if they are being too much, even if their friends constantly say that they are fine. 

-Iris has a MASSIVE crush on Truffle, but is too scared of telling her and ruining their close friendship. They try to show it as subtly as possible, but it seems that everyone except for Truffle knows about their feelings.