Solaris Wolfrose (21)





✦ Full Name: Solaris Clementine Wolfrose.

✦ Nationality: Mexican descent. 

✦ Species: Werewolf. 

✦ Birth date: May, 19th. 

✦ Age: 21. 

✦ Current Job: Social media guru.

✦ Dream/Goal: Fashionista. 

✦ Astrology Sign: Taurus. 

✦ Quirk(s):

Laughs at everything, even bad jokes

Gives friends and family excellent homemade presents

Bedroom is decorated exactly like a Pinterest picture

Has tons of credit card debt from online shopping

Awful driver

Super empathetic and understanding of other people

Extremely emotional and will cry at the drop of a hat

Energetic, hardly ever needs to rest

Loves to eat and is obsessed with food

Some discerning physical mark - freckles 

✦ Prop(s): Cellphone. 

✦ Note(s): Born with a recessive gene, which made her light complected and bright hair from her parents. This resulted in her being picked on as a child. 


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