Takami Shou



3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info




Takami Shou - 鷹身 翔 (Raptor Identity, Soar/Fly)
- Aka:
- Meaning:
- Heritage: Sand Village's Takami Clan, Grass Village's Mijushi Clan
- Eyes: Pale Gold
- Hair Color: Medium Blonde with Pale Blonde Underside
- Skin Color: Light Tan
- Nintaka - ("")
- Kekkei Genkai - The Grass Village's Mijushi Clan are known for being able see through the eyes of animals, the animal's pupils appearing in their own eyes. When a species/etc. is adopted by the Kekkei Genkai for the ninja, the pupil type becomes permanent and appears when a bond is in actively in use. Animal Inherited - Raptor.
- Takami Hiden -
- Wind Release -
- Ninma - His half-bondmate is a Fleabitten Liver Chestnut stallion (""). The bond was a fluke, a only half-ninma as the stallion was, as it is unusual for Ninma and normal horses to mate - so the unexpected trait he seemed to gain was a half bond with Jun and a half bond with his frequent-rider Shou. While he can understand human speech, he cannot speak mind-to-mind - and while he has chakra, he cannot use it and can only act as a chakra 'battery' to those able to siphon it. The other Ninma find him unusual and confusing and treat it as though he is simply an odd-duck Ninma. He ended up ridden by Shou after a lot of arguments that Shou was using too much chakra to maintain his Hiden grown wings to battle. He is able to speak mind-to-mind if she siphons his, his bondmates, or his co-bondeds chakra.