


3 years, 9 months ago


Demon (??)
Older sibling of tbn2 (*Asshole older Brother, but in the "Only I am allowed to bully them" way. Will go ham on you if you try to hurt their sibling.)
Motif: Crows, Black Feathers, Blades

Neutral Neutral?
Powerful and Smug
Not really interested in forming a pact/has very high standards (If you pique his interest, he might still do it. Though that might not be necessarily a good thing)
Does not enjoy company much, will ditch people if they're not interesting/helpful anymore, but might stick around for one or two if they seem entertaining.
Enjoys fighting (and violence, kinda of), although not in a murderous way. He generally won't kill if he does not need to - don't try your luck tho. He mostly hangs back, lazily watching others fight. Not a war-freak or actively running around challening people. If he finds somebody who meets his standards tho? He will find a way to fight them, even if he has to play dirty.
Otherwise exudes a very lazy and uninterested persona, enjoys other people making an idiot out of themselves a lot.
Recalcitrant, he doesn't take well to orders or people bossing him around. (Which is why he dislikes pacts and will involve loopholes and fine print in his)

Secretly into shiny stuff. Needs to be in charge to feel secure. Would be a chain-smoker in human form.