Jericho's Comments

Would you take offers on them? :0

HELLO!! terribly sorry for the late reply ><;; I haven't been active for quite some time,, anyways!! Yes this fella is ufo ^^ as for your previous comment, I can't take money on him unfortunately ;;

Hii, no worries at all, tysm for your response!! Would you consider taking character trades? Almost everyone in my TH is ufo, just lmk if anyone catches your eye ^^ <3

AUGHH 4 DAYS AGO SORRY... TT and yeah I do consider character trades ^^ this bb caught my eye actually!

I’d be down to trade!! :3

ok!! I'll send them over now ^^

3 Replies

Hello! If they're still available, would you look at any money offers?

Heyo!! I'd like to offer art(s) on this boyo!
Sorry if you're not taking art offers on them! ><;;

I can also do anyone here,,

hi there!! id be happy to accept an art offer :D

what would u be comfortable doing art-wise for them? like, type of art/quantity etc 

I can any do of the following:
1 full body (any chibi) + 1 halfbody (any chibi)
1 Normal thigh-up / full body + 1 halfbody (any chibi)
1 full body (any chibi) + Normal headshot
2 Normal half bodies
If you feel like any of these options feel unfair, I'm open for negotiation! ^^

oooh OK!! id be happy to accept the 2 normal halfbodies then :D 

would you be able to draw these two?
- ichirou (this outfit specifically!) if the link doesnt work its the orange one,
- aidyn 

Yes I'm fine with these two!! I'll let you know if there's any progress (^^) /

Do you see anyone in the 2m folder?

Could possibly offer some sort of currency you can take ?

hey there! i cant take any form of currency but i was interested in this character!

oh hmm i don't think I'd trade radae for this character since I'm a little tent and he was just bought recently,, sorry!!

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sorry! i didnt see anyone >_<