Esme (Genshin Impact Version)



2 years, 8 months ago


Full Name: Esmerelda Cosette Rhodos

Age: 21

Height: 5’6

Birthday: 25th of March

Species: Human

Gender: Female (She/Her)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Residence: The Rhodes Family Estate

Nationality: Fontainian

Occupation: Ballet Dancer, Noble Woman


Personality: Quiet and distant

Trivia: Her constellation is the “Caged Bird”

Likes: Ballet, swimming, nighttime, reading, training & competitions.

Dislikes: Shows great distain for other members of the nobility. most of her family, being looked down on, being forced to stay in one place, injustices, and hot weather.

Abilities & Skills: Swordsmanship, offensive magic, lances, horse riding, 

History: The 3rd Daughter and overall 4th out of 5 Children of the ill Count Rhodos of Fontaine, she is the bastard of the Count that was legitimized when she was 9 after it was “discovered” that she had a vision and was taken from her dying mother who was a commoner.

Her family did what they could to shape Esme into a perfect Noblewoman in order to gain a higher status in the Nobility, from hiring prestigious tutors to making her attend etiquette classes. They had raised her this way due to the fact that she had been raised as a poor commoner and the Count and his wife had struggled to bear a child that could hold a vision for so long that they cannot bring themselves to conceive another child with the hopes of them bearing a vision as their family has a long tradition that only the strong who wielded visions may lead the family so it can prosper.

As a child her eldest brother would tell her tales of the adventures he went on while working for the Adventurers Guild and the inventions he had made as an inventor so she grew to desire to travel the world herself one day.

Not long after moving into the family estate the brother closest to her age, only a few months younger then she suddenly opened op to her, asking her if she wanted to play with him in the woods, happy that her brother who was so distant wanted to finally be her friend she accepted but sook enough learnt that it was all a trap.

He lured her out by an old abandoned well on the families estate and pushed her down it and upon falling to the bottom she broke a leg.

He had grown jealous that she was the favourite of their father and would be the one to rule the family.

She realizes that her mother was right for keeping her vision from her and that she was just trying to protect her from things like this happening since thier family depended so much on visions.

After using her visions powers to assist her in getting out of the well and dragging herself though the winter forest and back to her estate hours later the family got the best care in the nation for her but the injury was so severe in her leg that it had to be removed.

Upon leaning what the youngest brother did the eldest brother urged his parents to send him away to their family in Snezhnaya as punishment, as far away from Esme as possible.

She spend the next year cooped up and denied freedom, constantly doted over and treated like glass that could break any second since she was the families last hope.

Her eldest brother worked hard to make a clockwork leg for her and consulted many inventors across the lands so she could finally walk again.

Eventually he convinced his family to give her freedom and let her off of the estate, he eventually got her sent to Sumeru Academia.

Coming to the Sumeru Academia at 14 years old, Esme didn’t know what else to do with her newfound freedoms other then prove to her family that she was more than the Bastard they saw her as, becoming one of the most diligent students and due to her families harshly regimented training she has a hard time expressing herself as the person she wants to be.

She finally left the Academy at 18 to return home to her families estate since her father fell gravely ill and while there she secretly decided to chase her dream and abandon her studies at the Academia to learn Ballet, as it had grown in popularity in Fontaine in recent years and in doing so she earned the ire of her family because becoming a common dancer would smear the reputation of her since she was going to inherit the title as family head soon.

She learnt of Ballet while she was still a child and lived with her mother who worked in a ballet hall, she would travel the streets of Fontaine and sneak into Ballet shows to watch her favourite performer.


The Count has a wife who is a renowned horse breeder and trainer from Snezhnaya, she was especially hard on Esme for being her husbands “bastard” instead of taking it out on her husband and treated and trained her as if she was one of her show animals.

Her and the Count have 4 children together, 2 sons that are the oldest and youngest and 2 daughters that are the middle children whom already left the family and married off.


During her character quest she learns that she isn't the Counts Bastard, she in fact is the daughter of his older sister who was disinherited in favor of her younger brother who had received a vision while they were both in their teens.

Because the family had no more use for her they sold her to the Fatui to do research, they tried using her to make a test version of a Cican Mage but it failed again and again.

In secret she became lovers with one of the scientists and she fell pregnant, as a result of the tests done on her she ended up giving birth to a child who was immediately granted a vision at birth and neither her or her lover admitted to both being in an affair.

The Fatuu wanted to do more tests on her and the baby to see if they would replicate the process to make more children born with visions but her lover helped her escape with Esme and soon after he was executed by order of the Tsaritsa.

She ran away to raise Esme on her own and raised her, telling her that her father worked in the adventurers guild as a hero and she began working at a ballet hall, where Esme would stay and watch the dancers shows her entire childhood.

Years later she eventually had taken ill due to the experiments that had been done to her mixed with a chronic sickness that runs in their family.

So she contacted her brother for help but when he learnt that her daughter bore a vision unlike any of his children, he decided to take Esme in as his own child, lied to her about her mother and brith and left his sister to die.