Sarden Glumber



7 years, 2 months ago


Name Sarden Glumber

Called Sarden, Sardines, Flowerbud

Age undetermined

D.o.B. unknown

Gender male

Pronouns he/him

Height 180cm

Build vines

Species Dream Demon

Role ringleader

Demeanor Mischievous Neutral

Aesthetic Circus, flowers

Orientation anything

Relationship Status Single



Chipper • Dapper • Exciteable • Cunning

Sarden is a Demon Flower, more commonly known as 'Slumber Flower' who has abilities to send people to specific dreamland he calls Slumber Garden. Sarden is a flower who has possessed a small boy, whoses dream was to be a ring leader, this boy is in eternal sleep while Sarden is in charge, this boy is named Christopher, and he is living his dream, so to say, he is ring leader in the dreamland, Slumber Garden. How Christopher found Sarden, and Sarden possessed him, is mystery to be told....








Sarden Glumber was nothing more or less at the beginning than a flower seed. One day a boy came to his garden; crying since kids had bullied him, telling him that he will never achieve his dreams. A strange wizard had come to boy, he spoke to the boy - "do you want to have your dreamed future?". Of course the child said yes, he wants to have his dream life. Wizard then took the flower seed and said following - "this seed is special, if you eat it, you'll live the life you always wanted, watch out not to chew it when you swallow it, or your dreams turn into nightmares." The boy took the seed and said thank you to the Wizard. He then ran home with the rose seed. Before it was time to sleep, boy took the seed and glass of water, swallowing it and sleeping his final sleep.

That's when next morning Sarden woke up. He was confused what was happening; who he was or where he was? when he was? He ran away from boys home, before anyone would notice. It was weird at first to use the vines as arms and legs, eventually he got hang of it. He snuck to closest town to steal clothes. He knew he had some sort of purpose to be alive, and he did. He saw first time in that town a travelling circus to perform. At that moment he knew what his purpose was; He was there to fullfill the boy's dream to be a Ring Master. So, he began a plan and before long, he had his own Circus. His own flower people performing and he was the king of his own.


He has some friends, foes and enemies, alliances and informants. He became aware of his powers, he used them so the boy in dream could also show what a ring master he was. Funny thing, Sarden and Christopher have never talked to each others, never really seen each others faces, never met. But they exist together, depending on each others. Sarden protects the boy and keeps him asleep, and boy lives his dream and lets Sarden feast on peoples dreams. He is dreameating demon flower, after all. But for some time, The enemies have been aware of his weakness. One very presistent one, the Mask Maker, is very determined of hunting Sarden down. Sarden can't keep this up much longer; running and running, Cristopher will never be safe with him..

Along his Circus work, Sarden has started to look for people; to help separate the two souls; he is more than dream. Sarden was real. Sarden had feelings, thoughts of his own, he could be independant being... But as they are binded togther so tightly, it would likk Cristopher and he did not wish for this...


Gingerbread jujubes sweet roll. Muffin cheesecake lollipop macaroon gingerbread marshmallow lollipop. Marshmallow pie jujubes sweet cake. Jelly beans marzipan tootsie roll danish chocolate cake cake. Jelly oat cake muffin jujubes. Gingerbread cake caramels marzipan. Icing apple pie lemon drops sweet roll lemon drops cotton candy. Chupa chups muffin cupcake croissant cookie pastry jujubes bear claw. Icing jelly jujubes. Carrot cake jelly tiramisu bonbon marzipan marshmallow tart gummi bears. Soufflé lollipop biscuit cupcake jelly beans chocolate cake chupa chups cake candy canes. Icing icing sweet roll sesame snaps cake topping cupcake. Marzipan pie halvah. Cotton candy marshmallow pastry cake soufflé carrot cake chocolate.

  • Tends to be annoying beyond belief with his very chipper personality and he knows this.
  • Stargasing and watching moon is one of his ways to relax.
  • He can get angry; it just takes time to tick him off.
  • Sarden cares about his staff greatly; they are his family, his very own dearest family he loves.
  • Without his mask he is unable to speak. No one knows how this is possible or what maggic is behind the mask but it's a secret no one knows.

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