
3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


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idris alwarid + 32 (aug 30)
he/she + transfem bigender + arospec gay
blood devotee + alchemist + synthesiser wizard
virgo + so/sp 9w1 + 9-3-5

"the word on the wire, you're living in denial!"

basic description

idris is the head of anezti and also its founder! she's a renowned alchemist who's well known for her accessible guides to alchemy and odd philosophy concerning transmutation. though she's often in her lab working on experiments she also owns an alchemy shop by the town souk, which she often travels to for sales and communication. though rather oddly absent from alchemical associations, she has a wide web of contact with amateur alchemists and often trades information with other wizards. her personal life is kept very private, which is a point of contempt for some. her domain mostly rests in inorganic alchemy, such as metal transmutation or potionmaking. she's got some medical knowledge but it mostly manifests in medication for diseases and painkillers, often made for personal use.


so the thing about idris is that he's always somewhat...forlorn in a sense. he's got good brevity conversationally but he's always kind of robotic, alongside giving off the impression he knows more than he lets onto. people never really gravitate to him for his charm as much as they do for the knowledge he has. naturally this distance utterly dissolves when he's with his guild or other friends - he's far more chatty and earnest with voicing genuine thought as opposed to whats moreso textbook instructions. and that only really happens when he's with people he trusts. hes also got a very digestable conversational pace and tends to be pretty gentle when helping people out - when he's not being overly professional he's quaint and encouraging which gives off a very homely vibe. he likes playing the voice of reason albeit in a roundabout way at times - he's a fan of irony and pointing out evident things in a silly way. really the most important thing to keep in mind about him is that he views alchemy as the only reason he's successful and therefore builds an unhealthy focus on it...he has a hard time being honest with others and tries to stay dependable from afar.


idris graduated basic wizard school at like 16 (she was regarded as somewhat of a prodigy) and quickly moved on to complex alchemy courses. in this she mostly gave up spellcasting save for a few select spells she found interesting enough to research/utilise. regardless in the midst of her studies when she was around 21 she met almas, during a collaborative project contest. while working together the two got to know each other and months later idris opened up her shop in the souk. she lived here with almas for a good few years while she finished off the remainder of her studies, dropping off at the very end of the final alchemical node (which was optional anyway...she got her alchemical licence years ago and already built a reputation for herself) due to personal discomfort with organic transmutation. a few years later she'd form the guild alongside ramiz and again relocate - since the guild got more space she ended up magnifying her lab and got into more complex projects. it's kind of customary for wizards who study alchemy to hang around schools or at the very least keep in touch with older professors and...idris doesn't really do either. on a personal level she's very estranged from the alchemical world and she could not care less about it.


he usually ties his hair up + often wears beads (usually red/white/blue). when hes just standing around hes less exact about having it loose but ties it way tighter/sometimes just covers it entirely during experimentation. his robes consist of 3 layers - blue dress as the lowermost, a red overcoat type beat thing (?) and the cape. to speak of his cape, its got a vein pattern on its edge and engraved alchemical symbols. from left to right (in terms of looking head on) it goes water earth sulfur mercury salt air fire. the back follows the same look except with like whatever mundane element symbols i can think of. overcoats got flame patterns and also gets tied together with a blue belt. his hats entirely flat except for the half-anatomical heart meant to resemble a stereotypical wizard hat cone. all the gold (ex edge of her hat, cape collar) is impure and stainless for convenience


he's got an enchanted staff imbued with anti gravity stuff for the sake of storing potions - its essentially just a quick defense thing so he can pull out potions for quick escapes or visuals or whatever. hes not a fan of combat and will just flee before anything else hence it not being the most fight-friendly thing. its also just a good method of transporting a small amount of stock at once

other notes

in terms of casual clothing she prefers having very loose shapeless clothes...stuff like sundresses and thin flowy coats. she prefers long skirts above anything else. she tends to stick to blood-esque colours and the patterns she wears tend to be geometrical or...yknow. literally veins and shit. in-world i do wanna state that her fashion sense is very stereotypical for alchemists and the blood-based embellishments only add to like. a sort of gaudiness. what i'm trying to say is she's the wizard equivalent of a mall goth and she pursues this both because it makes her seem serious AND because she thinks its somewhat funny.



almas alwarid

well they are his spouse... they've known each other for 12 years and got married 6 years ago. ive written many a thinkpieces about them but in short theyre both weird in a way only the other can stand and find a lot of solace in it. idris found them interesting from the start and thought of them as someone whod understand her properly due to being so far removed from alchemical circles. and she was right :+) almas is one of the only people she really feels comfortable confiding in due to them being surprisingly patient and understanding. she feels as though she can relax and ignore the need to constantly be alert and all-knowing around them...alongside getting the chance to talk about less serious/precise things.

taj alauyun

taj is essentially his adoptive sibling...idris kept in touch with keys family for years and hence vaguely knew about kem since key was young. idris found key through the guild system once anezti was getting set up and once they reunited he took it upon himself to keep key safe. he was responsible for a lot of guild loopholing and later for ensuring taj finished keys education. in general he tends to get overprotective of kem but does his best not to be overbearing in spite of it. its chilled as the years went on but idris wanted to make sure taj was at home in anezti and checked up on kem to an absurd amount lol.

ramiz aljarith

so indubitably idris and ramiz are friends but thing is they both have the whole 'i must have a likeable facade or i will die' complex and unless they're the only ones in the room the acknowledgement of that gets exceptionally uncomfortable. they can be casual and poke jokes (and often do) but every once in a while they'll kind of...confess to one another about how exhausting it is to keep an act up. it's what they mostly do honestly - just have brief guilt sprees without any sort of deep addresment of their issues. once i said something like 'recognition of the self through the other except its too uncomfortable and i do nothing about it' and like yeah

faysal aldira

distant friends. they get along in terms of being curt 'i must plan things out excessively' type people if nothing else. theyre both very quiet people and at most appreciate the others silent presence...probably get along better once they're both more well-adjusted.

dana alsifasaf

she's tried to get to him more than a few times but dana never really opened up enough for them to have the foundations for anything too entrusting on a mutual level. idris does her best to just be gentle and patient but does show concern for dana and how much he isolates in part due to that also being how almas acted years ago. she depends on small acts as she feels obtrusive doing anything more...dana recognises them.


idris considers herself to be a skeptic of blood...she regards herself as one of its only devotees who really digests the idea of connections and personal reach being ways to build a legacy worthy of the judge. a lot of alchemists lean towards blood and she strays a little from both in spite of her presentation. theres more to say on this but effectively shes very analytical in terms of ideological devotion and regurgitates a very obscure framework of it, more in line with sympathy and physical deeds designed to help others for the sake of it as opposed to a widespread interpretation of blood signifying pragmatic socialising for the benefit of the self
