Xavier's Comments

hi there :D i'd totally be interested in doing some art for xavier !!
art examples are here -> https://toyhou.se/namiette/characters/folder:3745299 if you're interested, please tell me what you'd like for him and we can sort something out !!

i also have some older characters here you might be interested in -> https://toyhou.se/namiette/characters/folder:3618900 no worries if ur not tho :))

thanks sm for the opportunity! he's so adorableeee

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Oooh, I'd totally be interested :D How many pieces would you be willing to draw for them?

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I'd be cool with 2-3 :D I'm not to picky so your welcome to look though here: https://toyhou.se/Panya/characters/folder:1598310 (except mains n the ✿✿✿ group) and see who you'd possibly be interested in drawing.

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Okie dokie, that works c:

I'll put Xavier on hold ♡

1 Replies

i can offer 3 full bodies and 2 busts??
examples (most recent is what ur getting) 

< 3



also anyone in my alt interest u? there r quite a few off limits one but i dont have tht sorted out but if there r any u r interested in just list em and i can say if they r or not :sob:

IGNORE HOW RANDOMLY LATE THIS REPLY IS,, but also is USD possible for them? i could not find the origional artists tos so idk 

Nope sorry ;w; the artist doesn't have rules regarding that, but in the species general rules it says not unless I bought it for USD ( which I didn't,,got them for free in a contest) and only if I've bought additional art for USD ( also haven't done that.)

ah okay !! well if u saw any characters tht interest u lmk i rlly luv this dude ^^

Hmm atm I'm kinda looking for chibi art, avatar art and pixel art

I didn't see anyone that caught my eye, sorry :c

hmhmhmhmm i could def make avatars (like however many u want just ofc more would take more time),, sorry i am kinda bad at like deciding amounts of art when it comes to offering art and stuff :SOB: and could probably make chibi art too but I have not worked on chibi art in my style much so idk hvhvvhhvfhbfgj 

It's fine, I have the same problem all the time (╥﹏╥) I'm cool with any other types of art as well like fullbodies or doodles( that's just my current preference atm.) I'm not to sure how much/what is fair ;w; I guess anything that's of equal quality??or value to the first two fullbodies is cool. Also just lettin you know, I may look to see if I get any other offers first before I accept something.

aaa yeah idk exactly what my arts worth especially because iv been rlly experimenting w styles recentlt 😭😭 i can offer a fullbody and two headshots and like whatever else u may want ? idk its hard to like know whats equal when it comes to art and ocs 😭 maybe a bust too ,,, most recent examples r in my art on this acc but u can look at the other and i am also jinxs on cs,, hvjvjvnxbcb sorry if this is lik e confusing or if thts not enough 😭 and yeah ofc im fine w waiting + ofc its fine if u decide not to take this :] ^^^ 

I STILL LOVE THIS GUY their design is so so neat!! I am not biased due to loving sea slugs

I could offer three fullbodies, three chibis and two headshots for em! (Maybe some bonus sketches too if you'd like!) Definitely willing to up this as this guy's so neat!

A bunch of my art examples can be found here! [LINK]

Finally got to finding the trading rules for them!! Sorry for taking so long ;o;

Pings: liar jinxs SOFTCRYBABY fevur

hii pings pls? tysm <3

is there possibly a pinglist i can be added to for when they go ufo.,.,,..,,. id die for them 

Could I possibly be pinged when they go up for offers? :]

Sure c:


can u ping me when they go ufo?? tyty <3

Yep c:
