


3 years, 4 months ago


(Fluvies are a closed species by ArtsUWU, see more info here! Neir was created inĀ thisĀ MYO event!)

Neir, Fluvie of the White Lake.


  • Neir stands around 9 inches tall.
  • Neir's plant growth resembles a blue willow tree.
  • Neir's bulb is made out of a large teal-blue seashell he fought a crab for, alongside a round orb of glass he managed to scavenge from the seaside.
  • Although Neir doesn't particularly mind what others use to refer to him, he generally opts for male pronouns if given a choice.


  • Neir was raised in a heavily forested region by the seaside, separated by a cliff, with his mother.
  • His mother almost perished giving birth to Neir, as her mate perished during the last few days of her pregnant hibernation. Fortunately, they had nourished her plant growth enough to survive through the final few days of hibernation, and through sheer willpower she powered through the labor alone and gave birth to Neir.
  • After being nagged by his mother, Neir left his home region to travel and actively seek a mate.
  • After some journeying, Neir found himself in a peaceful, deep valley with a large river running through it, originating from a small lake that appeared beautifully white in the moonlight. Forgetting his original goals, he now resides in this valley with the white lake, scavenging the things that float down the fast-paced river and foraging for mushrooms and berries to eat when hungry.

(To be fleshed out more in the future ^-^)