

Name Haru Takanashi
Sexuality Poly Lesbian
Age over 500
Gender female
Species Kitsune
Height 1,90m
Birthday 18.12.

As the head of the Takanashi family, Haru protects the origin of her family's name while shrouding herself in obscurity, leaving up the rest to her brother to reinvent their name.


  • seducing women
  • doe-eyed men
  • looking down on people


  • a lack of respect
  • men thinking they'd have a chance with her
  • hiding her gorgeous features



There were many legends and rumors about the origin of the Takanashi family. Some say they are few of the direct descendants of the council themselves. Others say they started out as the lowest form of demons known to man until climbing the ranks through murder and bloodshed. And yet others think they simply appeared one day, making other demons kneel before them and their power, becoming some kind of overlords from day one.
Whatever legend is truly the correct one is unknown but since their glory days of success, murder and overthrowing other high ranking demons, many centuries have already passed.
Now the only known and out in the open member of the family remaining was a woman named Haru Takanashi, and what a woman she was-
Attractive, charming, flirtatious and able to get her way every single time.
Where Haru walks, lower ranking demons bow before her.

She lived her life full of parties, sex, drugs and everything in between both in Hell, and the Mortal Realm. Sometimes disguising herself through shapeshifting to get different reactions out of people but succeeding wherever she was.
Her life came to a halt however when her younger brother got kidnapped by a very high ranking demon to keep him as his pet.
Haru knew it would be difficult to get him back as this demon was on a similar level of power as herself and so she tried to work in the shadows. Bribing workers and communicating with the daughter of said demon who wanted to help her dear brother.
While the plan worked seemlessly at first, by the end some of the workers got close to recapturing him yet again but her brother had enough and left only a bloodbath of the men after taking care of them in his monster form.
But since this incident alerted the authorities, her brother was yet again taken away from her, so close to reuniting them again.

Ever since that day, Haru has kept a keen eye on her brothers containment, infiltrating the special facility disguised as personnel now and again.
Even after he broke out of the facility during the Hell Breach, Haru stayed hesitant to confront him again as Alistair had become an independant young man, later even owning his own business in form of a fashion label.
After a few more months Haru deemed it unnecesary to reenter in his life again as she wished for nothing more than her brother to be happy and being able to distance himself from their family's actions.
A new age had begun for the Takanashi family. A progressive age of calculated success and power, not the chaotic spreading of fear.
And thus Haru started to lay low. Still being the remaining head of the family but falling into obscurity enough that people, while still respecting her, would think of her more as guardian of her family's name than the executioner.


Haru continued moving through both hell and the mortal realm regulary yet often disguised as a more regular looking demon so her name would remain unspoken.
Only the clubs and establishments she continued to visit were graced with her true form as she was a well known regular in a lot of them.
She loved being treated like a queen there. Only getting the best service, the most woman and expensive drinks.
It wasn't all out of hospitality either no, as Haru was known to give high tips and authentic gems as payment. Working a shift while Haru was present was securing rent for a year flat at least.

It was on such a day were Haru was getting a dance in the Pearl Mansion were someone else entered the establishment, not looking for a fun time but instead for a transaction.
While Haru wasn't all caught up on her knowledge of Mushroom Kingdom species she definitely recognised that bunnies like her weren't out of the ordinary to see here and yet...Something about her seemed different. More alluring.
Taking advantage of her status she stopped the bunny from exiting so soon again and pulled her on the couch she was sitting on, immediately starting her flirt game yet to her surprise the bunny wasn't interested, instead talking about how she had to get going for her next stop to sell her baked goods.
At first Haru couldn't believe that someone just denied her for the first time in forever but as soon as the bunny left she looked down and saw a note laying were she just sat, simply with her number and name, Creamy.
Perhaps she wasn't being denied yet only caught her at a bad time. No matter what, Creamy had definitely sparked her interest.





(Magical) Powers

  • Haru's main ability is shapeshifting. She's able to change her form into any living or non living thing she wants to.
  • While she has a natural talent for seducing people it is also an ability of hers to seduce and charm her way into anyone's mind to make them do her bidding or simply agree with her.
  • She's able to read minds and lightly influence minds or even dreams directly. For any bigger decision she'd have to use her seduction though instead.
  • She can create illusions varying from little light tricks to creating whole buildings or distortions of the sky.
  • Haru is more than capable of fight, always swift on her paws, sharp claw swings, crushing bites and scorching flame powers.
  • She gains most of her power/energy quite literally by being amongst her lovers.
  • She's able to transform into a giant fox monster which basically doubles her strength.


  • Haru is very open and has multiple partners and lovers. Some are only interested in her while others have other partners as well.
  • As she's over 500 years old she has 5 tails in total.
  • The one-piece she wears under her clothes is from her brother's fashion label.
  • While the tips of her fingers naturally gained a red tint over centuries, everything else is makeup.
  • She loves to give men false hopes while flirting with them as she has zero interest in them romantically or sexually
  • She has a thing for the cute and innocent like prey animal anthros, animal like demons and other creatures of the sorts but also women that could straight up kill you.
  • Haru is the head of the Takanashi Family



Nora [ Wife ]



Luke (Lou) [ Son ]

Through Haru's shapeshifting, Luke is her and Nora's biological child.


Creamy [ Girlfriend ]

They met while Haru was visiting the Pearl Mansion in the Mortal Realm and despite her being surrounded by gorgeous woman she somehow only managed to have eyes for the innocent looking bunny selling her pastries to the owner.


Dawn [ Lover ]



Lady Vanessa [ Lover ]



Samantha [ Best Friend (fwb) ]



Alistair Takanashi [ Brother (estranged) ]

The two got seperated from another while he was still a toddler. While there was a plan for them to be reunited again in the end it failed but Haru is simply happy that her brother managed to survive on his own and grew up happy. She later learned of his name change and although considering meeting him someday again, in the end she deemed it unnecessary as Alistair seems to be doing fine without her, having become independant and a successful business owner. She is very proud of him.


Azure [ Best Friend ]



Catherine [ Good Friend ]

As Haru often visits various clubs in the mortal realm and in hell, one Pierce club always stood out to her. Catherine would normally only serve her drinks but everytime she requested her other services, Catherine would be ready in an instant. She really enjoys how easily she falls for her without her even having to do much.


Camilla [ Good Friend ]

Camilla is another worker in her favourite Pierce club. She loves to watch her dance as the cat demon moves so smoothly it's almost hypnotising. While having a hunch that Camilla isn't really as stupid as she wants others to think, Haru never mentioned it as she enjoys her little act.


Caroline [ Good Friend ]

Since Caroline is the owner of the Pearl Mansion and knows her way in the business she knew of Haru before first arriving already and feels honored that her club was blessed by her presence. After Haru became a regular client the two got a lot closer as well and disregard the formalities between the two. While Haru knows Caroline doesn't dance as often herself anymore, her performances are still some of her favourite.


Cain [ Good Friend ]

Cain is yet another dancer at the Pearl Mansion. At first she didn't really care much for him as he didn't seem as manipulable as other men but after she witnessed him shapeshifting during a performance, his female presenting persona "Jess" caught her interest. Since then she requests him or rather Jess too from time to time excited for what else he can do with his magic.


Roxy [ Friend ]

In the Mortal Realm it didn't take long for Haru to discover the Pearl Mansion and quickly became a regular client there. Roxy was too starstruck to speak after discovering her true origins which Haru greatly enjoyed. Since that day she requested Roxy a lot more than other dancers for private sessions and always tips her generously.


Veronica [ Friend ]

Veronica is another dancer from the Pearl Mansion she immediately liked after first seeing her. She actually knew of her status beforehand with having worked in a Pierce club previously and so bowed before her in respect. Haru loves how humble she is and loves to see her perform on the pole.


Dee [ nope ]

Honestly she would like to forget about them. When she found their egg she imagined a cute little griffing hatching from it or some of the sorts and not a Harlequester of all things so she quickly ditched them again as soon as they hatched. She couldn't care less that she brought them into the Mortal Realm already. Someone else could take of this literal hellspawn