The Beloved Sun



3 years, 9 months ago


The Beloved Sun, Amador. He is the second immortal Deity and the lover of the moon. He is per say, the physical form of the sun that emerged when the sun was created from the Creator. Unlike the rumors that the mortals have been spouting about towards the sun, that he is a sly fox, prideful, womanizer, has no shame and does what he wants just because he has to the power to do so; is very much wrong. Amador is indeed powerful, he has the capability to engulf the world with flames and wipe everything out but, he is quite soft natured. Perhaps even a cry baby. He is too kind and humble to ever hurt anyone or anything.
The mortals depict how the sun would look like: Golden hair, golden eyes, fair skin, tall, muscular with a charming smile. A prince like image more than a Deity.
The true sun has clear brown skin with beautiful black/blue colored locks and his eyes are more of a light orange, cream like color. The mortals were right that he is tall (6'1) and he does have a charming smile whenever he doesn't have a resting sad faceĀ 
Amador holds the sun in his eyes, that's what distinguishes himself from any common folk whenever he visits the middle realm. His red hoodie, fits him quite well.