Merallyth Sylden



3 years, 6 months ago


Name: Merallyth Sylden (pronounced mih-reh-lift  sell-din)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual orientation: Bisexual

Birthday: March 22nd

Year/Grade: 2nd 


Ability score: 3.9

Tier: Elite

Ability: Aura bounce

Ability description: User can create a thin layer of aura from their palms or feet that is extremely stretchy and bouncy, similar to that of a trampoline. This aura layer acts like a trampoline and launches anything that makes some physical contact with it directly upwards from where it touched the trampoline. User can only make two aura trampolines at a time, and can affect the speed that objects, people, etc are launched from the trampoline from 0m/s to 6.667m/s. The trampoline can be either square or circular, and the size limit is 1.2 metres squared. The trampoline can stay wherever the user created it from (so it can float in thin air), and disappears after 2mins of not being used or if the user wills it away or if it's destroyed by stronger powers. The trampoline is not a defensive shield, and it can only withstand a few attacks of the same or higher level. It can, however, "bounce" (or reflect) attacks that are weaker than the user's power level. 


Personality: deceptive, reckless, clever, quick-witted, introverted, kinda arrogant, selfish, impatient, pragmatic, realistic, secretive, two-faced, blunt/straightforward, inconsiderate, careless, manipulative, spontaneous, kinda insecure & burdened 


Hair color: Brown at the roots, cyan at the tips. The hair at the top of her head is usually tied back in a double ponytail, and the hair at the back of her head (closest to her neck) is left undone. No bangs or fringes.

Eye color: Cyan

Signature color: Cyan

Height: 177cm

Build: Athletic

Skin: Pecan brown


Likes: Gaming (mostly FPS or combat games), fighting, fruit, gymnastics, dancing

Dislikes: Grinding in games, doing the same thing over and over, cooking, studying, writing, knitting, anything that takes too long to do

Background: Merallyth grew up as an only child in a well-off, elite family. She didn't have a lot of hardships and wasn't reprimanded often, so she was quite the spoilt brat. She never really fully differentiated between right and wrong - she just learned what was acceptable and unacceptable in people's eyes. She did gymnastics at an early age and found that she was naturally talented at it, so she would go on to do gymnastics for years. Merallyth also found herself to be quite good at dancing. Merallyth did what her parents told her to all the time, but started to get sick of it when she got to her late years of middle school/early years of high school. So she took it out on others, and assumed it was okay because her elite-tier acquaintances did the same. She grew bored of the same mundane stuff so she went around looking for more "exciting" stuff like fights, etc - she basically grew more reckless. Merallyth does not fully understand consequences, or her impact on others. She's careful with how she appears to others, and how she wants others to think of her. She's pretty manipulative in that sense. How Merallyth chooses to interact with others really depends on what she feels like.