✘ ♡Minnie ♡✘



3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Wilhelmina Vladimirovich






February 14




He/Him / They/Them


4'10 / 148cm




Demisexual / Demiromantic


Twitch Streamer

Relationship Status


Headcanon Voice

Billie Eilish


"Catboys are ruining my life."

Minnie holds the appearance of an 'pastelized' Eboy. While he may not be dressed solely in black and white like one, he does hold similar fashion if not identical to those of an Eboy/Egirl. A majority of his closet is colorized in black, pink, and white. He rarely goes outside of these pallets unless he is paid to do so on the internet for pictures. He owns a variety of cosplay raging from maid uniforms to anime characters. These outfits are purely bought for him to show on the internet; he actually holds no interest in cosplaying as a hobby. He very much likes Sanrio and will wear clips and barrettes of his favorite characters. As for his more-so physical appearance, Minnie is pear shaped and has very small legs; He is short in stature. He has a heart shaped face and occasionally wears two piercings' on his upper or lower brow. His bat ears are pierced as well. Minnie has sharp upper and lowers fangs that he uses to consume blood from prey. He has the ability to retract both his fangs and claws at any time. This applies to his wings and ears as well. His eye color is a velvety red with heart shaped pupils outlined in hot pink.
Due to his family being upper class, he is often forced to dress formally during lectures or fancy dinners with the higher ups. 

Minnie is most accurately described as being petty and passive-aggressive. He conveys his resentment and other negative feelings without expressing them out loud. He almost never reaches out to the other person first after an argument, and finds it difficult to apologize for any disparaging comments he may have made. However he does feel bad for any of his wrong-doings and beats himself up pretty badly over it. Aside from this, Minnie is pretty monotone in expression and comes off as depressed or stoic. He's prone to emotional breakdowns and hysteria. 
His desire of being loved goes far past an obsession and to point of violence and manipulation. He is easily blinded by anything of acceptance and will become overbearing with the love he shares. This causes him to come off as a retentive person due to how extreme and far his bond goes for a person; which becomes unhealthy when out of hand. If the love he gives isn't reciprocated or accepted, he'll feel inept and begin to view that person negatively. He'll either abandon the person in question, stop loving them, or try harder - it all depends on the individual and his personal attachment to them. He becomes scared when he notices or feels that his friends are talking to other people outside of him when he is not around. These feelings intensify when said friends are ignoring or hasn't responded to his messages and attempts of communication. He'll go through fits of panic and jealously, showing his more emotional side during these times. He'll experience intense anxiety and a tightness in his chest that doesn't seem to go away, among other symptoms - in which are prominent along with thoughts of having newer friends or bonding closer with older friends to spite them. Passive aggressiveness plays a part as well and becomes more relevant around the individual(s); whether or not his friend(s) care.

He jumps the gun a lot and creates delusional assumptions or false conclusions when it comes to...almost anything! He rarely, if ever, confronts these beliefs and instead sulks or mourns over them. Confrontation in general is something Minnie avoids like the plague. He wants nothing to do with it and would much rather be passive aggressive in place of it. This eats at his mental health a lot but he doesn't feel the need to change his actions. He doesn't like to do anything to better himself, period. He can be toxic because of this whether intentionally or purposely, he isn't very self-aware of his actions until called out. But even then he'd pull the victim card and throw all of his blame out onto his mental illness or a person; depends on the situation. His disorders are his biggest scapegoat and he uses them as an excuse rather than a reason; it's always his 'go-to' excuse when he's being confronted about his bad actions. Outside of this, Minnie is still a good person even though his actions lead others to think otherwise. His intentions are never meant to harm another person, it unfortunately just comes out that way. It's all most definitely a work in progress for him.

♥Character Interaction♥
Mishka- (Leader)
"Who knew I needed someone like you in my life."
He is undeniably inseparable when it comes to Lord Mishka. (wip)
Vincent- ( Former Hitman / Hates )
"You've proven me to be a fool."
On the night of a debate between his father and Yevgeni Preobrazhensky, his father had been shot during mid-lecture and passed away in front of the hundreds of people there to see. He caught notice of the killer on the roof of a building in front of him. He attempted to chase the sniper down but the moment he reached the roof, a smog of black smoke blinded his vision. When the smoke cleared, the young man was gone before he knew it. The killer was somewhat tall, cloaked completely in black from head to toe, and thus Minnie was never able to discern him. He went years without knowing who this cloaked killer was, nicknaming him "Mr. Sniper." He attempted to do his own research on the young man but he was unsuccessful.  After months of nothing, he gave up and pursued in other things. When Minnie was 17, a nasty tax fraud incident issued by his eldest brother had his family threatened by a source of underground thugs to provide them a weekly income of money, or else they were going to murder each member individually. Minnie was terrified to say the least, along with the rest of his family.  After a few months, his family was losing money fast and downfalls of their business(s) were occurring. They weren't so sure what to do or what was to come of them. Being freshly new to the internet world, Minnie came across something called "The Dark Web" and decided to give in and take a look. He read and watched many videos regarding it and decided to check it out for his own morbid curiosity. He watched a video guide on how to get in and did what was required; downloading softwares' and Tor browser for anonymous viewing and communication. It was a horror show in the aftermath but Minnie never stopped digging deeper into the rabbit hole. He witnessed a site on the dark web preferential of hitman. Some he noticed were actually near his area. The ratings of most hitmen had been reportedly poor until he came across one notably referred to as 'the best' on the website. His name was Vincent, the last name being censored. There was no image implanted on the man and only an email address. Out of curiosity, Minnie emailed the man a proposal - To eliminate the thugs tormenting him and his family-  It started off as just a joke and Minnie didn't actually believe he'd ever hear back from the man. He shut off his computer for the day and went to sleep. Weeks later, he received an email from an unknown address. Upon opening it his heart sank. It was the man. The man had actually responded! But all there was written was a phone number. Minnie called immediately.
Vincent was noted to have an extremely eerier voice that sent a shiver down Minnie's spine. The man declared information of him and the thugs he wished to be assassinated. Minnie rained off as much information as he could, including both his home address and the address of the thugs. It was a risk taking move but Minnie couldn't back down now. The cost to murder them was extremely high but Minnie felt it was worth stealing the money from the vaults that belonged to his deceased father than to lose anymore money than they had now. After all was set in stone, Vincent was going to pay a visit to him tomorrow. That night came, and Minnie told Vincent to meet him at a pub. The two met up (Minnie being intimidated by Vincent's tall and scary stature ) and discussed further business. All was said and done; the contract was signed and money was given. It took no more than two days for Vincent to kill the thugs and report back to him. Minnie's family was free at last and his family was thankful and blessed Father Arioch as they believed it was his doings. Minnie bid his thanks and didn't hear from Vincent since then.
Minnie was freshly 19 at the time he developed suicidal thoughts and self-harming habits. He attempted suicide which failed which ended him in a hospital for a week. He was then sent involuntarily to a mental hospital. When got out and gained access to his phone again, he came across Vincent's phone number. He still had it surprisingly. He called the man not once but multiple times when no one had answered. Eventually, it became a poor habit and the small male kept calling the number every second of the day. After many failed attempts, he called one last time and the man picked up. He was immediately lectured to the bone about how incompetent it was of him to call before emailing him prior. Minnie disregarded it all and told Vincent he'd pay him to kill him. He had a violent breakdown on the phone about how much he wished to die and that he'd pay him everything he could to be killed. After no response for a matter of minutes, Minnie assumed the call ended. But Vincent's voice rang out sternly. His response; "Do it yourself." before hanging up and blocking Minnie's number.
The vampire was appalled.
Out of pettiness, anger, and rage, Minnie emailed Vincent on impulse threatening him that he'd reveal his identity to everyone and ruin his life completely. Despite not actually knowing how to go through with such a threat as he knew nothing of Vincent, he sent the email anyway hoping to scare him. This, ultimately, turned for the worst when Minnie left out one night to run errands for his mother. During the midst of his errands, he was blindfolded and gagged by the cloaked man and was thrown into the trunk of his car. He was then transported to a shed in the middle of nowhere. Minnie was tortured and severely abused by Vincent for months until the man set him free on the behalf of his pleas and promises. Minnie became traumatized after this experience and avoids leaving the home alone anymore. Vincent did occasionally stop by Lumory to specifically torment Minnie by his presence alone as a silent threat to keep his mouth shut. This, thankfully, ended after a few short years. Minnie regrets ever threatening the man. He holds a strong hatred for Vincent regardless of his faults.
Scarlet- (Ehh)
Scarlet is responsible for getting Minnie banned from YouTube. The pink vampire showed up ass naked during a livestream, mistaking it for a cam-show.
Minnie told him repeatedly beforehand that it wasn't.
Scarlet doesn't listen very well.
Scarlet was never allowed to join any of his live streams again after that.
Corpse- (Friend)
♥His online username and gamertag is-  ✘ ❤︎𝓭 𝓸 𝓷 𝓽  𝓽 𝓸 𝓾 𝓬 𝓱 𝓶 𝓮❤︎ ✘♥
-He follows the Arioch religion.
-Has something against catboys and catgirls. He hates them with a bloody passion.
-Has the ability to shift into a bat.
-He can shift into a black cat but refuses to do so because of his hate for 'catboys'
-He's never seen a human in person before, thus never tried human blood.
-He drinks lamb's blood in place of it.
-Is skilled in Love Manipulation. It's his most used ability and he uses it very often.
-He can make others love him platonically or romantically. He prefers using it for platonic love over romantic love; something that he feels should happen naturally.
-Can be very hypocritical. He'll make claims but act the polar-opposite of those claims.
-He pretends to be pious and virtuous without really being so.
-He self-harms as a means to cope with his mental illness.
-Along with cutting, he punches bruises onto his body and bites himself.
-He is not medicated nor seeks professional help in regards to his mental health and illness. (He has in the past, however.)
-He is diagnosed with BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), MDD, and PTSD.

♥ Likes: Gaming, Streaming, Twitch, Online Attention,
Love, Romance, Novels, Love Manipulation
E-Boy/Girl aesthetics, Goth/Emo Fashion, Crossdressing
Hello Kitty, Kuromi, Sanrio, My Melody
Blood, Crosses, Bats, Coffins, Curses
Winter, Rain, Night Time, Colder weather
Frozen Dessert Bars, Ice-Cream Cake, Slupees
Minecraft, Among Us, Roblox, Visual Novels, Computer/App Games
Horror/Action/Thriller Movies, Ghosts, Haunted Places, Abandoned Areas
Corpse Husband, Knife Party, Jazmine Bean, Melanie Martinez

X Dislikes: Sunlight, Onions, Most Colors, Holy Water
Catboys, Catgirls, People who wear animal ears
