[Overwatch] Jairo



3 years, 4 months ago





Name Jairo Laborde Morán
Called Jay, Agent Morán
Age 27
Gender Male
Nationality Argentinian🇦🇷
Role Support ➕
AffiliatioNNew Overwatch

Height: 1.70 cm

Affiliation:  Omnica Corporation (formerly), new Overwatch.

Primary weapon: Pulse rifle

Damage: 30 damage per bullet

HP (health points): 175

Health: R.A.M.S heals 80 hp per second

Voice Claim: Hernán Palma (Argentine Spanish)

Orientation: Pansexual


Personality: An inventor and medic with a very enthusiastic attitude, optimistic and -very- passionate. Jairo is characterized by being friendly and charming; he is very communicative, practical, dexterous with tools and adapts easily to the environment that surrounds him.

Jairo is a trustworthy support that he will always be in your side. with strong ideals, approves the union of omnics and humans and he still believe in a future with armony between them.



  • Lucio's music
  • His partner RAMS♡
  • A very nice meal!
  • CATS


  • Anti-omnics
  • Fight, but he'll kick the sh*t out of you if you are mean.
  • Sombra, "Chismosa..." (in the beginning of overwatch 1)
  • Desert places


•Health pack thief: Jairo will steal a health pack to provide to his allies, he can't use it on himself, a health pack will spawn in the original spot after 60 seconds.

•Robocompanion: R.A.M.S is a very good friend of Jairo, he created RAMS after all! His robot friend can heal allies, follow them around the map when their health is complete, R.A.M.S will return to Jairo.

•Holoclones: Jairo projects holographic clones of himself, they can shoot enemies but it's a lower damage.

•Passive ability: Speed boost (5/s) Jairo runs to an ally target that require healing "my team needs me!"

•ULTIMATE: "Upgrades, everyone!" Jairo deploys his new invention: a device that increases the healing capacity of R.A.M.S. and connecting it with the robot he can, in a range of 30 meters, heal his entire team + reduces all countdowns in half only 13.4 seconds.


 ❝ 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙪𝙚𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙪𝙣𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙨. ❞



 - Ultimate : "Let's get it started!" (Friendly)  "¡Vamos a ponerlo en marcha!"  (Hostile)


- "Together we can do anything." (Hero selected)

- "Jairo and R.A.M.S here, We'll cover your back!" (Hero change)

- "If we won, I'll cook for all of you the greatest asado ever" (during Set up)

- "Recourse to war is regrettable, but I can't stand around and do nothing!" (during Set up)

- "All right, R.A.M.S. If you take damage come straight to me, I'll fix you right away, buddy" (during Set up)

- "It's time to show what my inventions can do!(during Set up)

- "Take it easy, muchachos. we don't need rushy risky heroes, think before act!" (during Set up)

- "I won't be in sight, but I'll be watching over you. (Match Start)

- "*R.A.M.S glitchy beeps in excitement and Jairo chuckles* Oh, R.A.M.S. your excitement is contagious." (Match Start)

- "The battlefield is terrifying, but I always feel safe with the right tank." (Match Start - with a Sigma/Ramattra on the team)

- "We have luck on our side, it's time to take advantage of it!" (Match Start - won previous round)

- "Ánimo, equipo. we must show we are better than that!" (Match Start - lost previous round)

- "Let's go, team. We will show them our 100%!" (Match Start - final round)


- "No me la contes..." (Control - Point lost)

- "This is our opportunity, get to the point!" (Control - Attack point)

- "uhm, hello? Get to the point!" (Control - Attack Point)

- "I am capturing the objective, join me!" (Control - Capturing Point)

- "I'm taking the objective! Someone has to do it..." (Control - Capturing Point)

- "Moving the payload, easy to get." (Escort - payload moving - attack)

- "¡Tenemos la carga! oh, this bring me memories" (Escort - payload moving - attack)

- "Everybody stay calm, We are protecting the payload. (R.A.M.S glitchy giggles)" (Escort - payload - defence)

- "I'm hanging out with the robot, such a nice guy" (Push - Robot pushing team Barricade)

- "Hey, big guy, let's move the barricade together" (Push - Robot pushing team Barricade)

- "The enemy are advancing, pongámonos las pilas equipo!" (Push - Robot pushing enemy Barricade)

- "The enemy has possession of the robot, lets bring him into the right side!" (Push - Robot walking to enemy Barricade)

- "They take the robot! They can't do that!" (Push - Robot walking to enemy Barricade)

- "Our friend is gone, let's bring him back!" (Push - Robot walking to enemy Barricade)

- "Here pal, you come with us" (Push - Robot walking to team Barricade)

- "Muy bien amigo, es hora de dar un paseo!" (Push - Robot walking to team Barricade)


- "Voy en camino, ¡mantenganse con vida!"

- "On my way!"

- "Group up, people!" (Group up)

- "¿En dónde está mi equipo? Vengan aquí!" (Group up)


 - "Hi!" 

- "Hey!"

- "¿Qué tal?"

- "¡Ho~la!"


- "Nos vemos!"

- "Adiós!"

- "See ya!"

- "¡Chau!"


- "Oh, Sorry..."

- "Perdóname, compañero"

- "¡No volverá a pasar!"

- "Myy~ mistake..."

- "Yup / ajá / ¡Sí!" (Affirmation)  

- "Mh-mh / No / Ni ahí" (Negation)

- "Enemy right here, tengan cuidado!" (Ping Enemy)

- "Watch out, over there!" (Ping Enemy)

- "Veo un enemigo por ahí!" (Ping Enemy)

- "You think I'm blind? Enemy over here!" (Ping Enemy)

- "Come here, I'll heal you!" (Need healing, come to self)

- "¡Vení acá, Rambo!" (Need healing, come to self)

- "Ven para sanarte" (Need healing, come to self)

- "I warn you! If you don't come here right now...!" (Need healing, come to self)

- "I'll keep you safe, trust me."

- "Well, I tried my best."

- "The right tool for the right job!"

- "RAMS will be there for you."

- "RAMS is ready, he seems excited."

- "ooww, isn't my robot cute? ♡"

- "¿Cómo te va?"

- "I love cats!"

- "May I have this dance?"

- "Okie dokie!"

- "It's a piece of cake!"

- "I can fix everything! Except RAMS's sassiness..."

- "Please don't make me angry"

- "fear only serves to lose everything."

- "¿Te gusta lo que ves?"

- "You can thank me later"

- "¡Felices fiestas!"

- "...thief? Me? nonsense!"

- "I'm a medic, I can make you live or let you die..."

- "That sound was not a cat..." (Halloween)

- "I know a lot of horror tales!" (Halloween)

- "You better watch out"

- "Estamos hasta las manos..."

- "El olvido es la única venganza y el único perdón"

- "I keep a little humble hope inside me"

- "Saving people, shootin' things... the combat medic business"

- "Se necesitan dos para bailar el tango" (It takes two to tango)

- "That is going to take a long time to heal"


- "Friendly reminder: don't do that again..."

- "¡Pero serás...!

- "Sigue siendo un pequeño error, aprenderé de eso!"

- "There's something I didn't try yet"

- "Not everything can go as you expect"

- "Medics have bad days sometimes..."


- "I'm a healer, but..." (final blow)

- "No me subestimes." (Final blow)

- "Te la buscaste." (Final blow)

- "¡Eesa!" (Final blow)

- "I don't like hurt people but... he/she deserved it." (Final blow)

- "Haha! Look at that!" (Multikill)

- "OOH, hahaha! Did you see that? Did you?!" (Multikill)

- "Wait-wait wait, I need to save this!" (Team kill)

- "I can't wait to tell my friends about this!" (Team kill)

- "Boo-hoo, Who said a medic can't do this mess?" (Team kill)

- "Ugh, they don't stop bothering..." (upon Talon members eliminating)

- "Leave the pirouettes for the circus" (upon eliminating Genji)

- "Not this time" (upon Sombra eliminating)

- "Revenge only brings more pain" (upon Reaper eliminating)

- "You need to stop" (upon Moira eliminating)

- "I'm sorry Ramattra. I had to stop you..." (upon Ramattra eliminating)

- "I still believe that you can do things right!" (upon Ramattra eliminating)

- "I've been practicing!" (upon Baptiste, Soldier eliminating)

- "It seems I won this time" (upon eliminating Talon agents)

- "I'll make it up to you, I promise" (upon eliminating Ramattra, Zenyatta, Bastion, Orisa, Echo)

- "Nice shot, amigo!" (Friendly ally gets elimination)

- "You need to teach me that, good lookin'!" (Friendly Cassidy, Ramattra, Sigma gets elimination)

- "No waay!" (Friendly Lucio gets elimination)

- "Right on, Bro/Sis!" (Ally gets elimination)


- "You okay, love?" (Healing Ramattra)

- "I'll protect you." (Healing Ramattra)

- "Well, well, someone needs my special healing" (Healing Ramattra)

- "I'll be waiting for a reward, Ram" (Healing Ramattra)

- " Like the old times..." (Healing Zenyatta/Ramattra)

- "A bit of retribution..." (Healing Support Ally)

- "I've got you, bud" (Healing ally)

- "Here you go" (Healing ally)

- "Thank me later" (Healing ally)

- "Are you feeling better now?" (Healing ally)

- "RAMS on the way!" (Sends R.A.M.S to ally)

- "RAMS is with you!" (Sends R.A.M.S to ally)


- "Thank you, Dr. Ziegler!" (Resurrected)

- "That was close! very close..." (Resurrected)

- "One more chance!" (Resurrected)

- "I beat you once, I can do it again!" (Resurrected enemy)

- "They're back!" (Resurrected enemy)


- "Over here!" (Holoclones)

- "Go!" (Holoclones)

- "This will distract them for a while!" (Holoclones)

- "I'll take this for a minute" (Health pack steal)

- "We need this!" (Health pack steal)

- "Es por un bien mayor." (Health pack steal)

- "Get lost!" (Meele)

- "¡Quieto!" (Meele)


- "Let's do some damage!"

- "What a power!"

- "Show me what you got!"

- "Diagnosis: unstoppable!"


- "¡Mier...! / damn!" (Discord orb received)

- "UGH! ¡Soombraa!" (Hacked)

- "What?! No-no!" (Hacked)

- "Oh-no! Not my baby!" (RAMS hacked)


- "this is how it's done!"

- "oh you're flattering me"

- *whistling OW victory melody*


- "I showed off out there, isn't it?"

- "Thank you all!"

- *humming OW victory melody*


- "My ultimate is charging."

- "My ultimate is almost ready."

- "RAMS is not ready yet, give him time!"

- "My ultimate is ready!"

- "RAMS is ready! Show them, buddy!"


[ Suyin: "Today we'll have small truce, but I still have the mission to finish you off, are you aware of that?"

Jairo: "Mhm... Have you ever been told that you shouldn't threaten your medic? I could let you bleed out there..." ]

[ Lucio: "Trying to ask everyone this, whats your favorite animal?"

Jairo: "*chuckles* oh, man. Cats!" ]

[ Sombra: "I bet you'll love to know the video I have of you. Adorable dance by the way." (spanish)

Jairo: "Eh, how did you get that?! I just like the upbeat song, anybody would dance that!" (spanish)

Sombra: "Oww, and you sing too!" (spanish) ]

[ Ramattra: "My brothers and sisters told me about your help in Nepal, I... We are very grateful."

Jairo: "It's always an honor to me to help the people of Shambali." ]

[ Zarya: "So you're on the side of the omnics, don't you think you betray our people?"

Jairo: "I just want them to be treated fairly, both all equally" ]

Sigma: "The universe has a purpose; that purpose being the existence of life. But the universe does not end there. The universe expands, and is limitless in its scope; so we can also say the purpose of the universe is to grow... Oh, I've rambled again"

Jairo: "Don't worry, I have listened to your words carefully, I find it interesting" ]

"No quiero ni pensar en lo que este tipo sería capáz de hacer con los recursos adecuados..." -To Junkrat

"Zenyatta, ¡me encantaría que me hablaras acerca del iris! las palabras de Mondatta me han demostrado que aún hay esperanzas para ese futuro que tanto había soñado." -To Zenyatta

"Es un honor para mí trabajar con uno de los miembros de Overwatch, ¡siguen con esa imagen de héroes que tanto había aspirado a ser!" -To original overwatch members

"Señor Lindholm, admiro muchísimo su trabajo, fue mi inspiración para desarrollar mi equipo." -To Torbjorn

"Lúcio, tú y yo deberíamos hechar un partido luego de esto, ¿te parece?" -To Lúcio

"Orisa, ¡Es impresionante lo que Efi ha logrado contigo! ¿Crees que ella podría aconsejarme para darle unas mejoras a RAMS?" -To Orisa

"Supongo que ambos hicimos lo necesario para ayudar a los de nuestro alrededor, ¿no es así?" -To Baptiste

"¡Mei! Tu pequeño compañero es tan adorable, parece llevarse bien con el mío." -To Mei

"No todos los ómnicos son malos, Zarya. Muchos desean vivir en paz con nosotros y... ¿por qué miras así a RAMS?" -To Zarya

In Numbani: "¡Mira este lugar! He soñado con conocer Numbani desde hace mucho tiempo... ah! ¡¿Podremos visitar el museo?!"

In Junkertown: "Este lugar... ¿qué rayos sucedió?"

In Hollywood: "¡Qué lugar, es impresionante! ¿Creen que estén buscando una cara como la mía para alguna película?"




Ramattra    [ love interest ]


"I mean- Ramattra is kinda cute, tho-" 💜


Kaida    [ Best friend! ]

 Jairo admires Kaida's impetuous and confident personality, despite the dangers she runs because of this, he knows he has someone loyal as a best friend and will not hesitate to support her anytime she needs. Oh! And R.A.M.S love her too, this tiny robot admires her a lot. "Don't slow your pace, Kai. I got your back!"