


3 years, 6 months ago


BIO: ⛩️
A fox spirit named Saki who lives in an abandoned Shinto shrine secluded deep within the forest.

She is rarely seen during the day, due to her habit of napping, and instead comes out to play when the sun sets.

The only time she ever leaves home is to visit her friend, a Tanuki boy and kami who protects the local village.

Extra random lore (generated by

Saki was always an interesting girl. Born into a family of shrine maiden, she was expected to follow in her mother's footsteps and take up the mantle of the shrine. But Saki had other plans. She loved learning and exploring, and she was fascinated by the world outside the temple walls. So when her mother suggested she become a shrine maiden, Saki refused. She was determined to find her own way in the world. One day, Saki was walking through the forest outside the temple when she came across a strange creature. It was a fox spirit, and it was fatally wounded. Saki tried her best to save it, but it was no use. The fox god, recognizing her nature, decided to pass on its powers to her in the hopes she would carry on this kindness to others.

Age: Unknown. Appearance-wise, forever in her 20's. But lore-wise, very old.

Personality: Lazy, Mischievous, Rowdy

  • formerly a kami (but gave up because it was a chore)
  • A trickster at heart, Saki loves to play (mostly) harmless pranks on hikers.
  • Has quite a bad temper when her pranks are shrugged off, but she doesn't resort to any kind of violence, unless threatened. 
  • Enjoys living secluded in nature, although it leads to her getting bored easily.
  • napping
  • wearing old clothes that are torn to her liking
  • walking around barefoot
  • Ramen noodles (treats herself to it whenever she visits the village)
  • Shiny earrings
  • Loud noises
  • Physical labour of any sort
  • being referred to as a "bakemono" (monster)

★ Special Abilities ★

  • Shape-shifting between human and Yōkai form. 
  • She can change the size of her ears & tail (useful for listening closer, or keeping warm respectively)
  • Dream granter: allows her to grant others' wishes, but only what their heart desires in their dreaming state.

Human appearance: Light brown twin-tails, paired with blue eyes.

Yōkai appearance: White twin-tails with highlights (red, gray, or pink), and crimson red eyes. Fluffy gray & brown fox ears, and tail.

or a mix of both ^^


  • Yōkai : She'll wear any traditional Japanese clothing.
  • Human : She wears a shrine maiden uniform to stay inconspicuous when visiting her friend (the torn sleeves do not help her case...)

(please feel free to draw her with or without the sarashi binding under the kimono)

Notable Features: yokai form has red or pink on the bottom eyelids