
3 years, 5 months ago


Ramm, "Ram Princess"



Ram was born in the depths of the most arid part of the Wasted Plains. She hatched from her egg and found herself isolated and alone, her home the ruins of a glorious Serpentine City that had once been ruled by her mother, the Dragon Queen Eyon. There she grew up, following an ancient doctrine left by her people that followed the religion of the dead God of the Sands, one which laid out the path of a warrior. And so within those ruins she trained, believing that perhaps, if she followed the doctrine she could find her family, but it was for naught, as eventually she stumbled upon a wall which illustrated the story of what happened to the people who lived there and her parents, and she learned that her parents had been killed by the guardian meant to guard her egg, who had gone mad. Her mother had then placed a curse upon the city with her dying breath, causing all the people to vanish. They only person who remained, her guardian, died to his wounds.

In her anger and sorrow she fled her home, found her way to Esce where she was taken in by The Book Collecter, Harra. This placed her as the future of the leader of the village of Esce. She now spends much of her time preparing to take Harra's place when she's old enough. She also travels back and forth to other kingdoms to order to explore and learn more about them. She is still familiarizing herself with languages, as all the languages she knew when she was born are long dead. She despises her past, the guardian of her egg, and fighting.



Species- Naga

Pronouns- She/Her

Age- 18

Sexual orientation- Bisexual

Relationships- Harra- adoptive mother, &c.

Lover- None

Height- 7'1

Health- Good

Occupation- Princess

Eye Color- Golden

Blood Color- Golden

Weapon- Spear

Wounds- None

Scars- None

Diet- Carnivorous

Likes- Reading, adventuring, having a plan, &c.

Dislikes- Bright lights, moths, history, &c.

Alignment- True Neutral


Charms & Magic information- Does use magic, no charms.